'I'm a police officer on the East Yorkshire coast - here's what it's really like'

Police Sergeant Ben Stanyon and PC Mariusz Rusnarczyk
-Credit: (Image: Humberside Police)

The role of response officers in preserving life, evidence, and identifying victims, suspects, and witnesses is crucial, regardless of the location they serve.

Each area has its unique lifestyle, demand levels, and geographical challenges so there's no universal approach. Policing coastal areas presents its own set of challenges, particularly during the summer when beaches are crowded with visitors from across the UK, footfall doubles, and crime rates naturally rise.

Two coastal crime fighters Police Sergeant Ben Stanyon and PC Mariusz Rusnarczyk shared their experiences of policing the coast and their plans to highlight the work they do to combat coastal crime. They also offered advice to those considering a career in the police force on what to expect.

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Sergeant Ben Stanyon, born and raised in Bridlington, is passionate about serving the community he grew up in and making it safer for his children.

His journey in law enforcement began as a Special Constable with North Yorkshire Police, while also working as a train guard. Seeking to add some excitement and value to his life, he found himself enjoying the police work more than his day job.

This led him to become a Police Constable and for the past two and a half years, a Police Sergeant, focusing on policing his hometown and the surrounding coastal areas. He relishes the hustle and bustle of the summer months when holidaymakers flock to the area, although this does present its own set of challenges.

No two days are the same; one could involve responding to a drug deal, a domestic abuse incident, or a missing person report. Each situation requires a unique police response.

For Ben, this is the allure of being a response officer: The need to adapt to any situation.

Police Sergeant Ben Stanyon and PC Mariusz Rusnarczyk
Police Sergeant Ben Stanyon and PC Mariusz Rusnarczyk -Credit:Humberside Police

Ben emphasises that making an arrest is usually the last resort; it's more about communication skills, holding your ground, and preventing difficult situations from escalating. There's a certain shared responsibility within a small coastal team which means when dealing with incidents like armed robberies, requiring all hands on deck - neighbourhoods, patrol, and CID can all approach from different angles to achieve the best results.

As a response Sergeant, a crucial aspect of Ben's role is arresting those causing harm to the community, removing them from the streets and enhancing safety.

The promotion to Police Sergeant means he now leads a team of officers, prioritising their welfare. He encourages proactive policing and self-initiated work rather than just being reactive. His focus is on crime detection and offender location, achieved through proactive stop and searches under reasonable grounds, problem-solving, and active collaboration with PCSOs and other specialist teams.

He concluded by saying that being a response officer, and joining the police in general, opens your eyes to various walks of life. You witness people at their worst and best, but ultimately, people join to protect others and improve communities.

Police Sergeant Ben Stanyon and PC Mariusz Rusnarczyk
Police Sergeant Ben Stanyon and PC Mariusz Rusnarczyk -Credit:Humberside Police

PC Mariusz Rusnarczyk is one of the newest members of the Bridlington Police Station team. He joined Humberside Police in September 2022 after deciding to make a significant career change from studying Computer Science for five years to becoming a police officer.

Having resided in Bridlington for six years, he admits to having been somewhat oblivious to the local crime levels prior to joining the force. His role in the police has been an enlightening experience and he takes pride in serving a community he is deeply connected to both personally and professionally.

Policing a coastal town presents its unique aspects, and he feels privileged to participate in force-wide operations such as Op Coastline, which kicked off during the May half term and will resume over the summer holidays, along with Clear Hold Build.

However, it's not all sunshine and roses - tackling coastal crime does pose its own set of challenges. For patrol officers in Bridlington, the key lies in engaging and understanding people, rather than merely dictating actions or resorting to arrests.

For officers like Ben and Mariusz, backup can sometimes be over 20 miles away, making skills in de-escalation, negotiation, and communication absolutely vital.

The most rewarding aspect of Mariusz's job is the learning opportunity each assignment provides, and the chance to offer assistance where possible. This could range from dealing with mental health crises and road traffic accident victims, to domestic abuse cases, safeguarding vulnerable individuals, and everything in between.