'I'm spending £34k to correct my male puberty - I wish I'd had blockers as a kid'

A trans woman says she’s having to spend £34k to “correct” her male puberty - and she would’ve been grateful to receive puberty blockers as a kid. Jocelyn Claire Reed, 24, started transitioning when she was 18.

But the ordeal of going through male puberty left her with a number of characteristics she doesn't like - such as broad shoulders, a deep voice and facial hair. She thinks her transition would’ve been a lot less traumatic if she’d taken puberty blockers as a child, to stop this from happening.

But today (April 10), Dr Hilary Cass recommended puberty blockers should be prescribed to under-16s with “extreme caution” - and therapeutic interventions should be prioritised. Jocelyn, an influencer from Crosby, Liverpool, said: “I completely support puberty blockers because if I’d had that when I was younger, it would’ve saved me from having to correct my male puberty.”

The Cass report said GPs are feeling pressured to prescribe hormone blockers to under-16s, like private health providers. This is due to concerns of a lack of clarity around the monitoring of the medication.

But a more holistic approach to treatment, such as therapy for anxiety and depression, as well as tests for autism, have been recommended instead. Jocelyn believes more mental health support is crucial for trans children - but thinks puberty blockers should be readily available to those who need it.

“There currently isn’t enough support at all for trans children," she said. “I didn’t have any holistic mental health support, which would’ve made things 10-times easier.

“Trans children already have so much going on in their head, with feeling like we were born in the wrong body, that more mental health resources are needed. But I also completely support puberty blockers.”

Jocelyn reckons she would not need to fork out £36k had she been prescribed puberty blockers as a pre-teen, aged 11 or 12. She went through a male puberty - and is now looking at multiple procedures in order to change this, as well as taking oestrogen for the rest of her life.

“I’ve had to go through laser hair removal,” she added. “I’ll need my vocal cords shaven - and will potentially need my broad shoulders shaven, too. I’m on oestrogen pills for the rest of my life to reverse my male puberty. All-in-all, it’s going to cost about £36,000, especially as some of it is cosmetic.”

This is a figure Jocelyn is currently unable to afford - and will need to raise it with a crowdfunder. She said: “I’m paying £1,500 in mortgage every month - I just don’t see how I’m going to save up.”

The Cass report flagged social transitioning - like going by a new name and using different pronouns - will not necessarily have a positive impact on the child’s mental health in the future. But Jocelyn said being able to wear dresses from the age of four helped her feel more secure.

“When I was younger, my family let me dress up as a princess,” she added. “To be able to express myself like that made me more comfortable. Any other kids just got on with it - no-one ever pointed it out or tried to make me feel bad. I might’ve been quite lucky, in that sense.”