Increased reports of Nottingham Knockers on the Island (here's what to do)

Be wary of doorstep traders <i>(Image: Isle of Wight County Press)</i>
Be wary of doorstep traders (Image: Isle of Wight County Press)

Sally Ash, IW Against Scams Partnership:

We frequently share information about staying safe from doorstep traders so this is a reminder following increased reports about “Nottingham Knockers” currently operating on the Island.

These are generally young men with bags full of cleaning products which they will try to sell on your doorstep.

Originally they came from the Nottingham area – hence the name.

These items will be poor quality and overpriced and residents can feel pressurised into buying goods so they will go away.

They may show an ID card purporting to be part of a probation scheme or claim to be deaf or mute to illicit sympathy, however these are generally fake.

Do not engage with anyone on the doorstep – no genuine trader will operate in this way.

If you have a No Cold Caller sticker the trader will be committing a criminal offence if they fail to leave when you ask them to.

You don’t have to answer the door to somebody you don’t know.

If somebody puts a leaflet through your door this doesn’t mean they are a legitimate trader.

If you would like a door sticker email with your name and address.

If you are over 60 or vulnerable you may be entitled to a free visit from the Blue Lamp Trust Bobby Scheme who can help you make your home more secure. Go to

There are plenty of scams doing the rounds at the minute so please be wary when faced with any unsolicited contact whether on the phone, through social media, emails or at the door.

Be wary when ordering from magazines and catalogues selling products aimed at older or more vulnerable residents. One resident has reported that he recently ordered some medical supplies from one of these companies and in turn his information was passed to a third party who have signed him up for a subscription to a rewards company. They offered him a magazine and didn’t tell him that this would cost him £19.99 monthly. Luckily his bank intercepted the payment and cancelled his card.

Companies that contact you to try to refund money you may have “lost” years ago will only want your bank details for one thing – to take money from it, not pay a refund in. Don't engage with these companies and never give out your bank details over the phone.

Reports come in regularly around Government grants for renewable energy. This could be phone calls out of the blue, leaflets through the door or somebody visiting you. Be very wary around any claims made, always do your own research and find a company that is trustworthy if you decide to go ahead.

There is also a phone scam advising that you have booked train tickets and it says if this wasn’t you press 1. Don't engage with this – hang up straight away.

Lots of people have reported phone calls from scammers purporting to be health care workers or social workers trying to get residents to sign up for a “free” medical pendant. These items will never be free, it's likely they wont work properly, you wont be any safer and money will be deducted from your bank account. If you or a relative would benefit from a personal care alarm then do your own research and find a reliable or local company.

For advice on scams call Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 250 5050.

To report a scam call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.