Infected blood victims sue Government over ‘woefully’ inadequate compensation

Families affected by the infected blood scandal hold up copies of the final report as they stand outside the Methodist Central Hall
Around 500 victims have put their names to the lawsuit against the Government - Leon Neal/Getty Images

Infected blood victims are suing the government after attacking the compensation plan for the historic scandal as “woefully” inadequate, the Telegraph can reveal.

Hundreds of victims have written to the Government Legal Department alleging ministers failed in their duty of care to protect them from injury, warn of the risks of treatment, and ensure diagnoses are provided promptly.

It comes as former pupils from the Lord Mayor Treloar College are also suing the school, alleging it breached its duty when children with haemophilia contracted HIV and Hepatitis while boarding there.

The lawsuit against the Government was relaunched on Friday, days after Infected Blood Inquiry chair Sir Brian Langstaff released a damning report into a “catalogue of failures” that were “systemic, collective and individual.”

As many as 3,000 people have died after NHS treatment with contaminated blood products and transfusions. Some 1,250 people with haemophilia contracted HIV from the clotting drug Factor VIII, made from human plasma, three-quarters of whom have died.

Up to a further 5,000 tested positive for Hepatitis C, as well as an estimated 26,800 after blood transfusions.

Of 122 pupils with haemophilia who went to Treloar’s in the 1970s and 80s, 80 have since died after receiving infected treatment.

Rishi Sunak apologised for “a decades long moral failure at the heart of our national life” and laid out plans for compensation. But he panicked campaigners a day later when he announced the election.

“It felt like a total betrayal,” said Jason Evans, director of the campaign group Factor 8, in a bonus episode of the Telegraph’s Bed of Lies podcast. “We feel we’ve waited long enough and the time for action is now.”

Gary Webster, lead claimant in the case against Treloar’s, said, “We think it’s cruel. It’s been a complete mess. We’ve been treated cruelly in the past and it’s more of the same.”

Des Collins, senior partner at Collins Solicitors, who represents 1,500 core participants of the Inquiry including Mr Evans and Mr Webster, said, “The traction for infected blood is gone, because it’s all election. There’s a feeling of duplicity, that there’s a game afoot here.”

Gary Webster in Hampshire
Gary Webster is the lead claimant in the case against Treloar's - Christopher Pledger

He added: “I think the government has tried to hoodwink people this week. They clearly just want to control the narrative in the hope that victims will fade away.”

Around 500 victims have put their names to the lawsuit against the government, with Mr Evans as the lead name.

“It will give us a path to some form of guaranteed redress, which at the moment we just don’t have,” said Mr Evans.

The Victims and Prisoners Bill was one of the last pieces of legislation to pass before parliament closes for the election and contains provisions for compensation. While victims welcomed the news, they remain concerned that the government’s plan for compensation is woefully insufficient.

“I don’t think there’s a single victim or bereaved family member who’s happy with the compensation announcement,” said Mr Evans. “The figures are not transparent and extremely misleading.”

Mr Collins described the figures published last week, of up to £2.7m for people infected with HIV, as “totally misleading.”

Many have been disappointed to learn that if they take a lump sum payment they are likely to lose their monthly support allowance from Spring next year. And the plans for compensation don’t apply to victims who have passed away, leaving bereaved relatives out of pocket.

“They’re closing down the support schemes and turning it into compensation,” said Mr Collins. “It’s misleading to class the benefits they’re now taking away from people that they would have had for 20 or 30 years as compensation.”

Mr Webster described the monthly payments as a “lifeline”. “It would be so simple to do what Scotland has done and promise to keep the monthly payments for life,” he said.

Mr Evans added that the government is yet to outline when it will pay the £100,000 interim payments to bereaved families that were announced last month.

Mr Evans first sued the Department of Health in 2017 for misfeasance in public office. Theresa May announced the Inquiry a couple of months later and the case was put on hold for seven years pending the final report.

Mr Webster sued Treloar’s in 2021 in a case that was also on hold until the end of the Inquiry.

“We knew what went on; we lived it, but it was so shocking to see it in black and white in Sir Brian’s report,” said Mr Webster. “Treloar’s has responsibility. The headmaster and staff must have known what was going on.”

Some 50 victims and bereaved families are seeking an apology and compensation from Treloar’s.

“We want an apology, recognition and compensation,” said Mr Webster. “As it stands the government is offering £200,000 for the estates of deceased boys. I’m sorry but that’s not enough for the life of a small boy, who was experimented on and infected while the college was in loco parentis.”

They are also calling for the former headmaster Alec Macpherson’s to rescind his OBE, following ex-Post Office chief executive Paula Vennells handing back her CBE.

“There is nothing honourable about what happened at Treloar’s,” said former pupils in a joint statement. “We call on Mr Macpherson to do the right thing.”

Survivors of the infected blood scandal and bereaved relatives have waited 40 years for justice and compensation amid a far-reaching cover-up.

“They’re still all very suspicious that someone’s going to try and pull something over on them,” said Des.

The government has left victims to scrutinise the small print of its compensation plans this week and have been refused legal assistance.

“The government have gone about this in the wrong way,” said Mr Collins. “They need to wise up and listen to campaigners, and get the lawyers on board.”

Mr Evans added, “I hope the courtroom won’t be necessary. But as it stands the government won’t provide us with the legal assistance which we clearly need. I hope that changes so what we’re feeling forced to do now won’t be necessary.”

A government spokesperson said, “We do not comment on ongoing legal cases.”

Treloar’s did not respond to request for comment. In a statement released on Monday, it said it was devastated by the horrifying extent of the scandal and that it would reflect on the wider recommendations. “It is absolutely right that the government has committed to establishing a proper compensation scheme,” a spokesperson said.

Treloar’s College said in a previous statement: “Treloar’s staff, students and their families, together placed their trust in the treatment and advice given out by the NHS clinic, and the doctors and medical professionals who ran it in the 1970s and 80s.

“It has been shocking to discover, through the ongoing public inquiry, that some of our students may have received treatment there which was unsafe or experimental, and that the NHS did not always obtain sufficient consent.”

The statement added: “They all deserve answers from the ongoing public inquiry, and we strongly support the urgent need to accelerate compensation payments from the Government.”

Listen to Bed of Lies, a six-part Telegraph podcast laying bare one of the biggest medical disasters in history, the Infected Blood scandal, on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your preferred podcast app.