Insect invaders planning bee slayings as Devon apiarists ask for help

The Asian hornet (Vespa velutina), an aggressive bee-killing invader
The Asian hornet (Vespa velutina), an aggressive bee-killing invader -Credit:Devon Asian Hornet Action Team (AHAT)

Terrifying insect invaders are planning bee slayings in Devon, with sightings of these foreign interlopers on the rise. Now, beekeepers are asking for the public's help to track Asian Hornets, in an effort to save valuable bees from their aggressive behaviour.

The Devon Asian Hornet Action Team says beekeepers are concerned about the worrying rise in reports of the Asian hornet. An established Asian hornet nest can consume up to 11 kilos of pollinators in one season.

Gerry Stuart Chair of Devon Asian Hornet Action Team said: "This incursion has far wider implications, many birds and other wildlife rely on these insects as their food source. We should not lose sight of our responsibility to protect our bees and other native pollinators from this threat."


Last year the UK saw a rapid change in the number of reported sightings and confirmed incursions. During 2023 it was reported that 72 Asian hornet nests were destroyed at 56 different locations in the UK with two nests being destroyed in Plymouth.

Currently the reported sightings for this year have been formally recorded as:

2024 Sightings:

January 19: Credible sighting in Westfield, East Sussex.

March 11: Confirmation of an Asian Hornet found in a potting shed in Ash, Kent. The finding was around 5 miles from a nest found and destroyed in 2023 near Canterbury, Kent.

March 20/21: The National Bee Unit received credible reports of lone Asian hornets. The first was in Preston, Lancashire at a warehouse with regular trucks arriving from France.

A bee inspector attended, set traps and is monitoring the location with support from the local beekeeper. The second credible report was a dead Asian hornet found in Romford, East London. The specimen was collected by an NBU inspector and sent to the lab at Fera Science Ltd for official confirmation.

Devon Asian Hornet Action Team says we can all help by spreading the word to the general public and by telling family and friends to ‘become proactive’. They have asked people to start looking for primary nests.

The Asian hornet (Vespa velutina), an aggressive bee-killing invader
The Asian hornet (Vespa velutina), an aggressive bee-killing invader -Credit:Devon Asian Hornet Action Team (AHAT)

Very much akin to a wasp nest, and about the size of a tennis ball, they're normally in very sheltered places like the inside of shed roofs, porches, garages and so on. The queen will build her initial workforce and when she has enough the colony then builds a larger secondary nest.

These can be up to a metre in width, and can consume up to 11 kilos of pollinators in a year. Each nest is likely to have a serious impact, so vigilance and early detection are essential.

If you do see one do not try to remove it yourself – report it. It is also important to make people aware that if they are going abroad to a country where Asian hornets are, then they should take time to carefully check any luggage, camping gear, boats, trailers or caravans for any stowaways before and after they leave.

So what do these nasty invaders look like? They are smaller than our native hornet, with adult workers measuring from 25mm, queens measuring 30mm.

The abdomen is mostly black except for the fourth abdominal segment which is a yellow band located towards the rear. It has characteristically yellow legs which accounts for why it is often called the 'yellow-legged hornet' and its face is orange with two brownish-red compound eyes.

The abdomen is mostly black except for the fourth abdominal segment which is a yellow band located towards the rear
The abdomen is mostly black except for the fourth abdominal segment which is a yellow band located towards the rear -Credit:John Feltwell

‘If you see it snap it and send it’

If possible take a photo or video. If you have a dead specimen send it to the Non-native Species Secretariat (NNSS).

Alternatively contact your local beekeeping association ‘swarm liaison co-ordinator or swarm collector’. For more information visit N.B.U website.

Report any sightings via email to Download the Asian hornet, which gives you the opportunity to photograph and report any sighting, and will automatically record the exact grid reference where the photo was taken.

It has been designed to assist with the early detection of the Asian hornet and has a very helpful guide to enable you to check if it is an Asian hornet or will help you to determine the species of insect that you are actually looking at.

Likely locations in the UK

Simon O’Sullivan Chairman of Devon Beekeepers said: "Although it has spread to many places in the UK, it is still believed that it is most likely to be found in numbers in the southern parts of England. It may even be able to fly across the channel from France, or otherwise may be found in among goods which it could be accidentally imported (such as soil with imported pot plants, cut flowers, fruit and timber etc)."

It is active between April and November (peak August/September).