Inside Edinburgh's tough Saughton prison where inmates do yoga 'to escape'

Prisoner Harrison Kimpembe spoke about learning how to control his breathing and exploring yoga exercises.
Edinburgh Live goes inside HMP Edinburgh for Mental Health Awareness Week and speaks to inmates about strategies and activities to promote their mental health PIC: Prisoner Harrison Kimpebe -Credit:Callum Moffat

Discussing mental health has become less taboo recently, with wellness now at the centre of many people’s lives and individuals feeling more positive about opening up on the struggles they face.

Opening up and processing mental health issues can be difficult in male only settings that are impacted by toxic masculinity - making it a problem that exists amongst prisoner populations.

That is why the Scottish Prison Service has focused their energy on trying to deliver programmes that help inmates across their prisons to develop skills that will allow them to control and process their emotions during Mental Health Awareness Week 2024.

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To advertise the work they are doing, they invited Edinburgh Live down to HMP Edinburgh to get a feel for some of the projects that are being delivered.

When first entering the prison, it is abundantly clear that it is an environment that would challenge an individual's mental health by design. Large walls covered in barbed wire tower around the perimeter, wall mounted cameras and heavy duty security doors are visible at every turn.

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Prison is meant to act as a means of deterrent and punishment for criminals but those that have been put behind bars are also meant to be offered the opportunity to rehabilitate and better themselves so that they can return to the outside world and contribute positively to society.

In a morning session, around a dozen inmates were invited to take part in a breathing and yoga session with Caroline Phipps of The Yoga Crow who carries out classes within HMP Edinburgh regularly.

At first yoga is not an activity that you would necessarily associate with hardened inmates but each prisoner who got down on the mat gave it their all and seemed to benefit from the skills they picked up.

David Murray says that inmates need more regular access to activities like yoga.
David Murray says that inmates need more regular access to activities like yoga. -Credit:Callum Moffat.

Some of those in attendance regularly do yoga within HMP Edinburgh but several people were new to the experience but everyone spoke of how relaxing they found the class.

David Murray, who took part in the class, said: “We very rarely get access to do classes like yoga. The tools are good as I can practise the yoga moves within the cell and put my mind at rest when in there.

“I think it is important for us to get access to things like this as at the moment it can be difficult. It would be good to see more of these classes and better access to doctors and counsellors as at the moment waiting times can be long.”

Whereas Harrison Kimpembe added: “Before the class I had already done breathing exercises and managed to gain control. Every Friday I do yoga and it is something I look forward to.

“Controlling your breathing helps you to control your emotions and relax. It makes you feel like you are not in prison, it is an escape.

“This week I’ll also play in the football tournament and take part in the quiz in the afternoon. Sadly I missed the art yesterday but I’m trying to take part in everything.

Jacob Farr of Edinburgh Live talks to Jude Cattell (L) and Steven Clark (R) about Mental Health Awareness Week.
Jacob Farr of Edinburgh Live talks to Jude Cattell (L) and Steven Clark (R) about Mental Health Awareness Week. -Credit:Callum Moffat

“There should be more activities in my opinion as it would help a lot more people open up about their emotions in prison. It is important to open up about how we feel.

“As men we feel we cannot talk about these things and doing more activities together will help bring that out.”

As well as offering yoga classes for Mental Health Awareness Week, some prisoners have had the chance to take part in a quiz with radio host Ewen Cameron, a football tournament, occupational therapy awareness classes, acupuncture, art therapy classes and a coffee afternoon with the Leith’s Men Shed.

James Innes (second from right) and Charles Traylor (far right) from Men of Leith Men's Shed talk to inmates.
James Innes (second from right) and Charles Traylor (far right) from Men of Leith Men's Shed talk to inmates. -Credit:Callum Moffat.

A number of the men were also offered intros to the prison’s recovery cafe that helps people with addiction and around six inmates were able to take part in a song writing exercise with the arts and community group Vox.

One man, Danny, who took part in the Vox project, where he wrote a song for his family and recorded the work, said: “Vox was a group session for six of us to write and perform a song. I did something similar in January where I wrote a personal song for my wife and girls.

“As a group we came up with an idea for a song and performed it together. I found it definitely helped my mental health.

Caroline Phipps takes a yoga class at the jail.
Caroline Phipps takes a yoga class at the jail. -Credit:Callum Moffat

“It is different from the normality in this place, it takes you out of the jail and a lot of us felt like we were not in prison, able to enjoy a bit of freedom. It took you away and was a fun experience.

“I feel jail on the outside of these walls is looked at negatively but there are a lot of positives and good people in here.”

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Fiona Cruickshanks, governor of HMP Edinburgh, said that her team, along with their colleagues at other Scottish prisons, have tried to show they are prioritising the mental health of inmates through a range of activities that help prisoners process their emotions.

She said: “The mental health and wellbeing of all who live and work in HMP Edinburgh, and all other establishments, is a key priority for myself and the SPS as a whole.

“We not only provide a range of activities, such as yoga and art therapy, during Mental Health Awareness Week, but work with our partners in the NHS and third sector to support those in our care all year round.

“We have also sought to improve the training of our staff so we are better at identifying those individuals who are struggling, and in need of help and intervention, and recently introduced concern lines so people can call us if they have a concern about a loved one.”