Inside The Force: Watch chaotic fight on estate as woman stabbed in neck on latest episode

Officers attend a chaotic neighborhood fight on an estate in the the latest episode of Inside The Force.

Every month Cleveland Police deals with over a 120 neighbourhood fights. Seasoned PC Adam Woodland attends the latest in episode 7 of the Channel 5 series, a big fight on an estate on one of the hottest days of the year.

The officer says: "These calls that come into us on the big housing estates that we go to, we tend to go in numbers because they all come out… it is like a warzone." On arrival several different incidents are kicking off.

One woman is suspected of hitting her daughter, so is arrested for common assault and taken to custody. At the same time across the street, a bloodied man is stumbling in the road having allegedly been hit by a car and turns on the police.

Across town, PCs Dawn Rogers and Kern Smiles head out to a dispute where car windows have been put through and threats to torch a house have been made. As the suspect is arrested at the scene and being taken away to custody he shouts at his neighbours “You big dirty grassers”.

Inside the Force, Monday 29th April at 9pm on Channel 5
Inside the Force, Monday 29th April at 9pm on Channel 5 -Credit:Inside the Force, Monday 29th April at 9pm on Channel 5

In the station, Middlesbrough ’s Pro-Active team is tasked with tracking down suspects for immediate arrest. PC’s Lucy Coulsen and Aidan Maloney view CCTV of an assault where a female has been stabbed in the neck during an altercation on a street in broad day-light. Intel leads them to an address where a female and male are arrested and taken into custody.

On a nearby Middlesbrough estate a man is accused of assaulting his female cousin. PCs Kern Smiles and Johnny Whitwell attend where a witness tells them “Come and look at her eyes cos he’s gouged them.”

As custody fills up, PC Adam Woodland heads out to arrest a female accused of smashing her next-door neighbour’s window with a hammer. The suspect is arrested telling PC Adam “It was me”. She claims it’s retaliation and there’s been on-going issues with her new neighbours. “We’ve lived there 16 years in peace.”

Inside the Force: 24/7, continues Monday, April 29 at 9pm on Channel 5.

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