Inspiring 'entrepreneurship, energy, commitment and work ethic'

Freya Eason and Sophie Sanders, from Carisbrooke College, and Archie Smith, from Medina College. <i>(Image: IWEF)</i>
Freya Eason and Sophie Sanders, from Carisbrooke College, and Archie Smith, from Medina College. (Image: IWEF)

In a first for the Isle of Wight, Carisbrooke and Medina Colleges' Wild Wax Melts team has made it through to national finals and is now in the running to be named Young Enterprise 'Company of the Year'.

Wild Wax Melts is run by Year 10 students Freya Eason and Sophie Sanders, from Carisbrooke College, and Archie Smith, from Medina College.

The three teenagers have created, manufactured and retailed eco-friendly wax melts and their products have become a popular fixture at trade events on the Isle of Wight.

Running against older teams, they have already been awarded best company on the Island, and for Hampshire and Isle of Wight.

Isle of Wight County Press: Wild Wax Melts are Freya Eason and Sophie Sanders, from Carisbrooke College, and Archie Smith, from Medina College.
Isle of Wight County Press: Wild Wax Melts are Freya Eason and Sophie Sanders, from Carisbrooke College, and Archie Smith, from Medina College.

Wild Wax Melts are Freya Eason and Sophie Sanders, from Carisbrooke College, and Archie Smith, from Medina College. (Image: IWEF)

At the South East Regional Finals in London, at the Samsung Kings Cross venue, they had to deliver a company report, answer questions in interviews, create a promotional video and give a live presentation to both judges and an audience.

They were running against tough competition, from teams across Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex, Kent and the Channel Islands.

They have already won awards for the financial, digital and marketing aspects of their company, guided by their business advisor, Tracy Osborn, director of fundraising and
operations at St Mary's Abbey, Quarr.

The team has also been supported by Sarah Coetzee and Zoe Magee from the careers team at the Isle of Wight Education Federation (IWEF), which currently runs the schools.

IWEF called the students 'an inspiration in terms of their entrepreneurship, energy, commitment and work ethic' and 'fine ambassadors for the Island.'

The national final takes place on June 6 and the winners of that will progress to European finals, in Sicily.

The Isle of Wight Young Enterprise Company Programme is delivered in conjunction with Ed-WISE.