New interactive Plymouth puzzle-solving tour launched - and it's a first for the South West

A new interactive puzzle-solving tour of Plymouth has been launched, and promises to take people from the most famous attractions to the city's hidden gems in search of clues. The latest city tour is from Isle of Man-based Go Quest Adventures, which launched their first interactive tours two years ago and now cover 23 locations across the country.

Delivered through a smartphone app, the tour is a self-guided 'quest' around the city with clues to find, puzzles to solve and challenges to take.

The format is the brainchild of Kim and Juan Kniveton, who live on the Isle of Man. "It's like a city tour meets a treasure hunt but with a sort of escape room twist to it," Kim told The Herald.

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"Basically our quests are interactive puzzle adventures and they are all done on the Go Quest Adventures app, so they are all self-guided on your phone through an app.

"What we've done is to design hidden trails in cities across the UK, and through the app, in order to unlock that trail, they have to find a clue, solve a puzzle, complete a challenge of some sort, so as they are going through the city they are looking at the main attractions and learning things at the same time as doing these interactive puzzles and challenges. So they find their way through the trail and through the city, and at the end they get to find where they are on the city leaderboard."

The adventures might not be cheap considering they are self-guided with a download of the quest costing £28.95 but have tapped into the growing market for puzzle solving which has seen the city flooded with 'escape' rooms. That cost anything from £40-100 for an hour.

Kim said: "We thought of the idea during Covid and started thinking about how we could develop the app. There are similar things out there, that take you around, but what we really wanted was for people to be able to explore a city in a fun and interactive way, but in their own time.

"They weren't doing a tour so they could go at their own pace, stop if they wanted to, learn some history, learn some fun facts and see some hidden gems."

"One of the things was asking ourselves what could do we different, and we both love an escape room and so we wanted to combine the two, which is where the idea came from."

She added: "We launched our first quest about two years ago on the Isle of Man where we live, then we quickly added Liverpool as it was close, Edinburgh as we had to go up there, and Inverness was one of our early ones because we were up there as well.

"They have just started growing from there we have 23 now with Plymouth and we hope that by the end of the year we might have 30."

Plymouth is the firm's first location in the whole of the South West though one for Exeter is planned with the city's size and history making it a perfect fit.

Kim said: "We definitely wanted somewhere in the area and Plymouth has so much history and attractions, and it is quite compact that you can see so many things in a small area.

"Each trail is about two miles long and weaves in and out, and Plymouth has got so much going for it that we thought Plymouth and Exeter would be two great places to launch it."

The trail covers many of the top sights such as the Hoe and the Barbican, but also delves into the Elizabethan Gardens among a couple of hidden gems.

"Obviously we go across the Hoe and down to the Barbican and past the Mayflower Steps and past Plymouth Gin," Kim said. "But we actually start at Derry's Clocktower as it's off the beaten track and many tourists wouldn't know about it, but it's got some great history to it but is somewhere not many people would go to.

"We also taken them to the Elizabethan Gardens which probably not a lot of people would find on their own so there are a couple of hidden gems as well as the main sights."

For more information on Go Quest Adventures, or to book your Quest today, visit A limited time 30% discount is currently available for those that book the Plymouth Quest before Sunday May 12.