International Disruptors: RAI Cinema CEO Paolo Del Brocco Talks Company’s Venice Debuts & The Push To Get Italian Audiences Back Into Cinemas

Welcome to Deadline’s International Disruptors, a feature where we shine a spotlight on key executives and companies outside of the U.S. shaking up the offshore marketplace. As the Venice Film Festival kicks off today, we’re speaking with RAI Cinema CEO Paolo Del Brocco about some of the company’s 24 titles featuring in the festival this year as well as his ongoing challenge to lure Italian audiences back into the cinema after a rocky post-pandemic period. 

RAI Cinema CEO Paolo Del Brocco is no stranger to the Venice Film Festival, having headed up the film arm of the top Italian public broadcaster Rai for more than a decade. But, in many ways, this year feels more significant than ever for the top exec as he touches down on the Lido to enjoy local and international projects on the big screen at a time when the cinema sector has arguably never been more in flux.

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“It’s a strange time,” admits Del Brocco. “We’re still not sure of what all the answers are but our directive is, and always has been, to work hard to make better movies that can surprise audiences and lure them back into the cinema.”

Long considered one of the most important cornerstones of the Italian film industry, RAI Cinema invests in just under half of Italy’s homegrown films per year and it distributes its own titles as well as third-party productions via its distribution arm 01 Distribution. This year, Rai Cinema has 24 titles debuting in Venice sections, including Orizzonti.

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This year, the company has backed the production of three titles selected in Venice’s main competition this year: Gianni Amelio’s Il Signore Delle Formiche (Lord of The Ants), a director the company has worked with for more than two decades; Susanna Nicchiarelli’s Chiara, another longtime collaborator of the company; and Andrea Pallaoro’s Monica. It will distribute Amelio’s and Nicchiarelli’s titles in Italy and also has Italian rights for Florian Zeller’s competition title The Son.

“Our goal has always been about the variety of stories, genres and directing styles,” says Del Brocco. “The films we have in Venice reflect these aspects and we are very satisfied about this. Our differentiation strategy in the production field has been confirmed one more time by this selection and we’re proud of this.”

. - Credit: Rai Cinema
. - Credit: Rai Cinema

Rai Cinema

In the past year, RAI Cinema was involved in around 80 feature films and, says Del Brocco, has a forecasted investment of €85M ($85.05M) for the year. One trend that the company has seen in the last four to five years is that the overall production value of films has gone up and, therefore, RAI’s investment in projects has become a part of a film’s entire financial plan.

“We are in charge of promoting the great Italian auteurs and, at the same time, the new filmmaker generations,” he says. “Many big-status directors started with us from the beginning, and we know there is an industry that needs to grow and we need to create jobs, foster new talent and generate opportunities. If we don’t, we won’t discover the new Matteo Garrone or Paolo Sorrentino, the new talents and producers that our industry needs.”

It’s not just Italian fare that RAI Cinema puts coin into: last year the company announced it would be co-producing Roman Polanski’s The Palace, which ruffled feathers in the industry in the post #MeToo era. RAI Cinema backed Polanski’s previous title The Officer and the Spy and Del Brocco has gone on record several times defending the decision by stating that Rai is focused on the “artistic side of the stories” and “not the personal stories.”

In the past three years, RAI has backed 68 films and documentaries with female directors at the helm – a strong uptick on past investments. “We evaluate the potential of the projects – not just the gender – and we’ve supported a large number of female directors and I think it’s a trend that will grow more and more on the horizon of our cinematography.”

In addition to championing female voices such as Nicciarelli, RAI has worked with talents such as Alice Rohrwacher, Valeria Golino, Ginerva Elkann, Francesca Archibugi, Emma Dante, Barbara Cupisti, Paola Randi and many others.

Having worked with RAI since 1991, Del Brocco notes that the Italian sector is at a pivotal moment of change right now as the business looks to balance a booming production sector coupled with a declining theatrical distribution business and it’s an issue he’s been hugely vocal about in the last year.

Italy’s robust 40% tax credit coupled with the demands of local language content for streaming platform mean that the health of Italy’s production industry is “in really good shape.”

“Even thanks to support from the cinema law (Directorate-General for Cinema and Audiovisual of the Ministry of Culture), there had been significant growth in production, and we are near to fully employment [in the sector], which is a big success.”

But, he says, it’s been a challenging period for the Italian theatrical business, notably with the territory facing issues of luring local audiences back into theaters as well as issues surrounding windowing. For instance, Italian box office saw more than a 50% decline in 2021 compared to 2020, one of the only major European territories to suffer such a drop.

Comparatively, before the pandemic rolled out across the globe, Italian cinema represented a 37% market share in the period from December 2019 – February 2020 before cinemas were forced to close. Currently, market share for Italian product is “very low,” says Del Brocco, noting that “it would be a good target to aim at a stable 25% of Italian films at the total box office.”

“We are very distant from reaching this target right now,” says Del Brocco. “The streaming platforms played an important role during the pandemic – they kept alive the flame of films and television series but the result is that today we prefer to stay on a sofa as opposed to going out, driving and parking to watch a movie.

“We can say that, especially in Italy, the pandemic has made the public unaccustomed to the theater and we must work hard to make films that can persuade the public to go to the cinema and pay for a ticket.”

. - Credit: Rai Cinema
. - Credit: Rai Cinema

Rai Cinema

Additionally, around 500 theaters in Italy have been closed permanently since the Covid-19 outbreak and Del Brocco estimates that 2022 will see revenue losses of around €600M ($600M) compared to before the pandemic.

With that in mind, Del Brocco, along with Medusa head Giampaolo Letta, has been leading the charge in demanding the government step in and support the exhibition sector, insisting that theatrical releases play a huge role in a film’s life cycle.

Both have urged the government to double its 90-day window to 180 days, reduce local tax rebates from 40% to 30% on film productions made for streaming only and insisted that the generous 40% rebate be reserved for only those films committed to theatrical distribution.

“The initiative came from the branches of the two most important Italian broadcasters who, instead of limiting themselves to the production of content for TV, care about watching the movies in a cinema before their homes,” he says. “If the first part of the film industry is in crisis – if the box office is very low – that’s a danger to the whole industry.”

Del Brocco is a strong believer that the time is now to work to improve the health of the local cinema sector. Otherwise, he says, “our future will have great problems.”

“As public producers, we need to defend our cultural industry and Italian movies are suffering too much right now,” he says. “Local cinema may be niche in a lot of European countries but if we don’t support them and their release in theaters, we are probably going to lose the identity of our cinema. Maybe it won’t matter in terms of business, but it matters hugely in terms of storytelling and identity.”

He adds, “At the end of the day, of course this is a business, and we are in a competitive market where we have to take into account economic lines of profit and loss. But we are lucky because at RAI our goal is really to participate in helping cultural production and the local industry to improve. This is our North Star that we follow every day and, even at times if it isn’t very encouraging, we need to stay focused on this mandate more than ever to build the cinema business back up again.”

This week’s edition of International Disruptors is presented by Guillotine Vodka. 

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