Inverclyde's Labour election candidate welcomes party's battle bus to Greenock

Labour battle bus arrives in Greenock <i>(Image: George Munro)</i>
Labour battle bus arrives in Greenock (Image: George Munro)

INVERCLYDE's Labour candidate welcomed his party's battle bus as it arrived in Inverclyde yesterday.

Councillor Martin McCluskey was joined by Inverclyde councillors, and Labour representatives from further afield, as they welcomed Paul O'Kane MSP and Michael Shanks, MP for Rutherglen and Hamilton West.

The arrival of the bus concided with the start of the postal voting process in the run-up to the July 4 election.

Councillor McCluskey said: "Postal voted have started today and we only have 13 days of campaigning left.

"This is a really big opportunity that people across Inverclyde can't afford to miss.

"We have to turn the page on Tory leadership, and vote for someone who will work alongside the Labour government to deliver for Inverclyde.

"I've been showing people what I will do as an MP by bringing Sir Keir Starmer and Ed Milliband to Inverclyde, and helping them find out about all the opportunities that exist in this area."

Michael Shanks MP said the bringing the bus to Greenock demonstrates the importance the party is placing on Inverclyde.

Mr Shanks added: "We launched our first steps for change here, and it's so important that communities like this have the representation they deserve.

"Everyone we speak to is crying out for change in this election.

"People are looking at Martin as a fresh start as he will fight for them as part of the Labour government, right there in the heart of decision-making fighting for communities like this."

Paul O'Kane MSP added: "Martin has fought for the community of Inverclyde over many years.

"We all know about the issues around surrounding the NHS, the downgrading of out of hours services, and maternity services in this area.

"Martin has been standing with local people on every one of those issues and fighting to protect them and save them here in Inverclyde."