Irish 'sustainability' festival cancelled after organisers found to be linked to anti-LGBTQ+ groups

Group of people sitting in grass representing the Irish sustainability festival
Group of people sitting in grass representing the Irish sustainability festival Krisztina Papp, Unsplash

An Irish ‘sustainability’ festival claiming to celebrate wellness and rural life was cancelled after a whistleblower notified the venue that the organisers are reportedly far-right conspiracy theorists responsible for recent anti-LGBTQ protests.

The Think Local Festival, scheduled for July 19 and 20, was marketed as a family-friendly event inviting attendees to “immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Ireland”. Registration for the two-day programme was €150 and it was scheduled to be held near Mullingar in Co. Westmeath.

The festival flyer promised “A True Celebration… of Truth” with Truth Talks, Open Mic Sessions, food stalls, circus acts, and live music, but it was cancelled only hours prior to the opening night when the venue discovered that event organisers promote far-right ideologies.

While the event was marketed to local businesses and farmers who are interested in learning more about sustainability and wellness, the speakers are actually said to promote false claims, harmful conspiracy theories and dangerous initiatives including a high-profile national anti-LGBTQ+ campaign that aims to remove LGBTQ+ books from libraries.

Vice News shared that one of the festival organisers is Jana Lunden, a prominent Irish anti-trans activist who has stormed libraries in Ireland and accused LGBTQ+ people of “grooming” children.

In February, Lunden appeared on a right-wing podcast where she identified herself as a Think Local Festival organiser, saying: “We all know what the… globalists are up to with wanting to control us, they did the COVID as the compliance and intelligence test. There’s also the transhumanism aspect and the depopulation agenda. So we’re going to start hearing a lot about climate and climate lockdowns, we’re already seeing these 15-minute smart cities, plug in your car, gosh you’ve eaten too much meat so you’re going to be eating crickets this week… Really, I believe we are the carbon that they want to reduce.”

The Think Local Festival’s X (formerly known as Twitter) page regularly retweets content from the openly transphobic Natural Women’s Council, as well as accounts that claim the Covid vaccine is a bio-weapon and call climate change a “Climate Scam”.

While no reason for the cancellation was initially provided by the Irish sustainability festival, the website has since been updated to say: “The event was cancelled at short notice, due to interference from a small coordinated group of extremists.”

On X, organisers released the following statement: “Following the cancellation of the Think Local Festival in Ireland, the organisers gathered privately with friends, family and with some of our speakers, to issue a statement and to discuss what happened.”

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