Itchen election candidate Darren Paffey says 'Tories out of ideas' in letter

Darren Paffey <i>(Image: NQ)</i>
Darren Paffey (Image: NQ)

I read with interest the baffling letter from my Conservative opponent published last week. Through a bewildering metaphor about plumbing, he decided to attack the job I worked hard over many years to get into. The words of his own Tory heroine Mrs Thatcher spring to mind: “If they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”

The reality of this general election is that the Conservative government is out of ideas, out of energy, and out of touch. Lifelong Tory voters that I’ve been speaking to around Southampton Itchen have written off any prospect of voting them back in.

They agree that it’s time for change.

As Labour’s candidate for MP I’ve loved speaking to thousands of people around the constituency. They’re not strangers to me; these are my friends, work colleagues, people I’ve met when helping them as a councillor, students I’ve taught, families I’ve met through our kids who go to the same local schools, local businesses I buy from, staff in public services that I rely on.

At a time when trust in politicians is at rock bottom, people tell me they want their representative to understand and live the same issues as they do, and one who fights to gets things done. I’m not trying to become an MP for the sake of being an MP. I’m deeply rooted in our community and like you I want the best for Southampton because it’s my home too.

Daily Echo readers have a choice at this election: change with a Labour government that will get our economy, society, and public services back to serving the interests of working people. Or more of the same chaos by voting Conservative or by backing a minor party and letting the Tories in for five more years.

I hope they vote for the change we all need.

Darren Paffey

Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Southampton Itchen