ITV Jonathan Ross Show audience in stitches over Peter Levy Lincoln Glory Hole BBC Look North clip

Jonathan Ross joked the Glory Hole closure was a "blow to the tourist industry"
Jonathan Ross joked the Glory Hole closure was a "blow to the tourist industry" -Credit:ITV/The Jonathan Ross Show

A clip featuring Lincoln's Glory Hole left the audience in stitches when it was shown on ITV's The Jonathan Ross Show at the weekend. At the start of the ITV1 show, which was broadcast on Saturday, April 13, Jonathan shared his favourite moment from the week, which happened to be a clip of BBC Look North presenter Peter Levy.

Introducing the clip, Jonathan said: "Sometimes the universe creates the perfect two stories and just puts them side by side for us and this was one of those moments." The footage showed a hilarious exchange between Peter Levy and weather presenter Keeley Donovan on the BBC Look North programme.

Ms Donovan embarrassed the veteran BBC presenter by bringing up the fact he featured on a Channel 5 programme titled 'When Sex On TV Goes Horribly Wrong'. To make matters worse for Mr Levy, his very next segment on Look North was about Lincoln's famous Glory Hole footpath.

Read more: Lincoln Glory Hole finally reopens after 'challenging' repairs completed

The clip left Jonathan, the audience and the celebrities in stitches when it was shown on the popular ITV talk show. A number of people reacted to the clip on social media with one user saying "this is brilliant" followed by some laughing emojis.

Peter Levy had his head in his hand after an embarrassing moment on BBC Look North
Peter Levy had his head in his hand after an embarrassing moment on BBC Look North -Credit:BBC

Another said: "And they wonder why people from all over the country choose to tune in to watch Look North." Another user wrote: "I saw that moment live, you just knew it was getting clipped up and going everywhere!"

The Glory Hole was closed for over a year after it was deemed unsafe by Lincolnshire County Council. Repairs have just recently been completed and the iconic footpath was reopened to the public on April 5.