The Jacksons at Newmarket as you've never seen them be-Four

We were VERY excited about this one!

Who can truly say that they wouldn't jump at the chance to see The Jacksons, THE JACKSONS at Newmarket!

Newmarket Nights is probably one of the most popular events in Cambridge, every year when the list of acts comes out there a throng of Cambridge folk muttering about the star studded acts which will be there.

Highly sought after the event combines, music, food, fancily clad clothing, fascinators and of course horse racing.

And needless to say it's a pretty magical experience.

The Racing

We have often heard people say that Newmarket Race Course is one of the coldest places on Earth, you know, after the Arctic and Russia.

But even in the bitterly cold wind and rain the races were still magical and strangely romantic, snuggled up on the stairs of the main stand we watched a succession of races and even placed a bet or two (let's not talk about that!).

Once the final race had finished there was a call to announce the Jacksons would be on in half an hour, just enough time to head down to the courtyard and grab a cocktail.

The Jacksons at Newmarket Nights -Credit:John Hoy
The Jacksons at Newmarket Nights -Credit:John Hoy

The Food and drink

Have you even been to Newmarket if you don't have a Newmarket sausage? We think not!

A selection of street food vans, kitted out the courtyard area, including the jockey club bar, sausages and a small blue van selling vibrant cocktails, which as you can imagine immediately spiked our interest!

Mason jarred and beautifully bright there was the preconceived idea that this was going to cost us an arm and a leg BUT it didn't .

£6 for a cocktail is actually very reasonably priced given we've paid £15 for one on a night out.

The outfits

Newmarket, and indeed any races, are notorious for being the best dressed events of the year.

Fascinators, hats, heels that sink into the mud, suits, ties and pocket watches.

And Newmarket Nights, did not disappoint.

Not only were the audience dressed to the nines but so were the Jacksons, donned in black sparkly jackets they looked just as handsome as they did in their youth, just sadly minus the 'fros.

-Credit:John Hoy
-Credit:John Hoy

It is at this point we would like to give a shout-out to the very glamorous lady who was stood next to us as we watched the Jacksons.

Admitting defeat wearing her heels, she whipped off her plastic kagool and placed it down on the ground, creating a make shift dance floor come carpet for her to stand/dance upon.

The moral of the story is: when your heels get to be too much, blame it on the boogie.

The Jacksons

-Credit:John Hoy
-Credit:John Hoy

And last but by no means least, The Jacksons.

Have they still got it? Yes.

Are they still the grooviest, coolest, group of brothers that have ever existed? Of course.

Can they still hit the high notes? Erm... not quite but they gave it a very good go!

It seems to be every time we've said to someone we're going to see The Jacksons, they stare open mouthed at us with a look of pure envy and admiration. "THE JACKSONS?"

Oh come on we've all got a favourite *sighs, Jermaine*

-Credit:John Hoy
-Credit:John Hoy

Classic hits such as Can You Feel It, and Rock With You started the rather wet evening off nicely. (Not sure if our rain macs really added to the glamour.)

An incredible 50 years of hit making music has not slowed down Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon, the four remaining members of the Jackson 5. The musical veterans opened at Newmarket in sparkling black suits and showcased smooth, well executed dance moves.

It was quite nice to see that a huge part of the audience was made up of dapper dressed young men, in groups, giving it their absolute all, but also that a vast number of these men, friends or strangers were able to cultivate an ensemble dance routine to rival the Jacksons with nothing more than just a look.

-Credit:John Hoy
-Credit:John Hoy

Holograms of the brothers dancing and singing on the Andy Williams show played as the back drop to the stage for the whole night and as a mid way point, interviews with La Toya Jackson and family friends were played in memorial to Michael.

In an emotional tribute to their late brother Michael Jackson, Jermaine spoke about how this time of year is particularly hard for the family, with this June marking 8 years since Michael’s death.

Cheers rose at the mere mention of Michael’s name, an appreciation of the legend in his own right. A rather fitting Gone Too Soon was executed perfectly by Jermaine in memory of his brother.

After a short video on the big screen showing old footage of the family, it was time for a quick costume change before returning to the stage for a Jackson 5 medley of top hits including ABC, The Love You Save, I Want You Back and I’ll Be There.

As with any concert there was the stand out moment and for us, that was the performance of I'll Be There, every single person in the audience had there phone flashlight on and belted out the ballad, to the boys.

It was one of those moments where you'd expect there to be a few proposals happening throughout the crowd.

It was then Tito’s turn to take the limelight during his solos songs, Tito Time, When the Magic Happens and Get It Baby. Before the fab four brought the final bit of funk. It was hard not to dance and sing along and after all, ‘Blame It On The Boogie’.

In homage to each of the brothers they all had their moment in the spotlight, each taking centre stage to "do their thing".

After each of the brothers had performed Tito Jackson, came to the front of the stage and said "But of course we are the Jackson 5, there are five brothers, Michael Jackson, do your thing."

Newmarket Nights continue next week with The Culture Club.

So Karma Long, or follow the link for ticket information.