James Bulger’s father claims son’s killer Robert Thompson has been ‘rewarded’ for murdering toddler

<em>James Bulger’s father says Robert Thompson has been ‘rewarded’ for murdering his son (Getty)</em>
James Bulger’s father says Robert Thompson has been ‘rewarded’ for murdering his son (Getty)

The father of murdered toddler James Bulger has claimed that his son’s killers had been ‘rewarded’ for their crime.

Ralph Bulger said Robert Thompson and Jon Venables have ‘never been punished’ after they were convicted of murdering two-year-old James in 1993.

Mr Bulger reacted to papers revealed in a Channel 5 documentary that revealed how Thompson believed he had a ‘better life’ behind bars.

<em>The toddler was abducted and killed in February 1993 (Getty)</em>
The toddler was abducted and killed in February 1993 (Getty)

He is said to have told a parole board: ‘I do feel aware that I am now a better person and have had a better life and a better education than if I had not committed the murder.

‘There is obviously an irony to this but it is part of my remorseful feelings as well.’

Mr Bulger lashed out at the killer’s comments, telling the Mail: ’For 25 years I have insisted that Thompson and Venables have been rewarded not punished for murdering my baby son.

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‘The message here is horrific – kill a child and you will get a privileged and cosy life in return.

‘I have always said that these pair have never been punished at all.’

Thompson said that at the time he kidnapped James in Bootle, Merseyside, he was ‘completely out of control… committing crime and causing trouble’.

<em>CCTV footage showed the moment James was taken (Getty)</em>
CCTV footage showed the moment James was taken (Getty)

He told the Parole Board he had lied about his involvement in the murder after being overwhelmed by the public reaction.

But Thompson also insisted he was now ‘deeply ashamed… of having played a part in this horrible murder’.

Mr Bulger added: ‘They might have hoodwinked the Parole Board and the do-gooders who let them out but they will never deceive me.’

<em>Thompson and Jon Venables (pictured) were convicted of murdering two-year-old James (Getty)</em>
Thompson and Jon Venables (pictured) were convicted of murdering two-year-old James (Getty)

Thompson, now 35, was released with a new identity in 2001 while Venables is in jail for the second time for downloading child pornography.

James Bulger: The New Revelations is on Channel 5 tonight at 9pm.