Jamie Oliver's five-ingredient sausage bake that is the 'ultimate' comfort recipe

Jamie Oliver
Jamie is known for his quick and easy meals that are perfect for families -Credit:Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images

The last thing you want to be doing after a long slog at work is spend hours cooking dinner in the kitchen, especially now that the weather is getting warmer.

That said, sometimes all you want is a delicious bowl of comfort food that's also easy to whip up. If you're searching for more of these to add to your repertoire, look no further than Jamie Oliver, who is known for his simple yet delicious meals.

His five-ingredient sausage bake is said to be the 'perfect' family meal that requires very little prep but doesn't compromise on taste. Writing in his cookbook 5 Ingredients, Quick and Easy Food, Jamie said: “The clue’s in the title with this one – it’s not the prettiest recipe in the world, but boy is it comforting and super-delicious. Let the recipe flex to what you’ve got in the house.”

The Express reports that although the recipe states white beans, feel free to use chickpeas, lentils or even tinned beans. The cherry tomatoes can be switched out for passata or tinned tomatoes, if you like.

Preparing this recipe only takes a matter of minutes, then it's just a case of letting it cook in the oven for 45 minutes before serving. Here's everything you need to make this recipe, which serves four.

Jamie Oliver's sausage bake


  • 12 sausages, preferably chipolatas

  • 600g of mixed-coloured cherry tomatoes

  • 660g (one jar) of white beans

  • 200g of rosemary focaccia

  • Four cloves of garlic

Kitchen essentials

  • Olive oil

  • Red white vinegar

  • Roasting tray


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C or Gas Mark 4.

  2. Halve the cherry tomatoes, peel and slice the garlic and tear the bread into bite-sized chunks.

  3. Place the tomatoes, garlic and bread in a roasting tray. Pour in the beans and the juice, and then drizzle the roasting tray with one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of red wine vinegar.

  4. Add a splash of water to the tray and combine everything. Cut each sausage in half and arrange them around the bake, making sure to press them into the beans and tomatoes.

  5. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes or until everything is golden and bubbling.

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