Jason Manford Defends Jimmy Carr’s Controversial ‘Dwarf’ Joke

Last month comic Jimmy Carr sparked controversy after he appeared on The One Show and outraged viewers with one of his jokes.

Relaxing with the presenters, Jimmy quipped: “I tried to write the shortest joke possible. So, I wrote a two-word joke which was: ‘Dwarf shortage’.


“It’s just so I could pack more jokes into the show. If you’re a dwarf and you’re offended by that, grow up.”

It has now emerged that Ofcom will be investigating the complaints made by viewers, and fellow comedian, Jason Manford, has taken to his Facebook page to criticise the backlash.

The star wrote: “Really? With everything going on in the world, two people still find time to complain about a joke! I bet that neither person who complained were dwarves. It never is.


“So many people in this country who get offended on other peoples behalves! Maybe just stick to watching CBeebies!

This isn’t the first time that Jimmy has found himself in trouble for one of his jokes, with the ‘8 Out Of 10 Cats’ host previously defending his controversial one-liners to The Mirror.

Speaking to the newspaper, he insisted: “People that come to see the show know what they’re going to see.


“You’ve got free speech from the the Government, you’re never going to be told you can’t say that. But you haven’t got free speech in the sense that you can still p*ss off the public. It’s my right to offend and it’s their right to be offended.

“I think it’s perfectly valid for someone to go, ‘I’m offended by that’, I mean I’d be a bit annoyed if they came to a show now and said it, because come on, you knew that was going to happen.”