Javier Milei has exposed Davos’ Left-wing rot

Argentina's President Javier Milei delivers a speech at the World Economic Forum
Argentina's President Javier Milei delivers a speech at the World Economic Forum

There were raised eyebrows at the news that Javier Milei, the firebrand libertarian president of Argentina, would be speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week. The annual shuffling of private aircraft into the Swiss Alps has come to precisely represent everything that Milei claims to detest.

To be clear, the World Economic Forum is not a secret cabal trying to run the world, as the conspiracy theorists often claim. Davos is more of a skiing jolly and opportunity for global elites to grandstand on fashionable causes like social justice and “misinformation”. It also epitomises a form of crony capitalism, in which Big Business and Big Government come together at the expense of smaller competitors and the public. It is built on the arrogant notion that the world’s problems can be solved by top-down solutions.

Milei took the opportunity to provide a forthright rejection of corporatism and socialism, and inject a much-needed defence of Western liberal values into the discussion. “We are here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world, rather they are the root cause,” he said. A professional economist prior to being elected, Milei has a firm philosophical and empirical grounding, unlike most modern politicians.

Echoing economic historian Deirdre McCloskey, he explains how economic growth over the last two millennia is shaped like a hockey stick. Growth was pretty much stagnant from 0 to 1800 and then suddenly shot up over the last two centuries. This motivator has lifted 9-in-10 people out of poverty and meant we live longer and more peaceful lives. “The conclusion is obvious, far from being the cause of our problems, free trade capitalism is the only instrument we have to end hunger and extreme poverty across our planet,” Milei said.

Detractors claim capitalism is evil because it’s too individualistic and is not altruistic. Milei explains that the real evil is socialism because it leads to poverty. Argentina became one of the world’s most prosperous countries by adopting economic freedom in the 19th century. Yet, over the last century, the country became impoverished by adopting unjust and violent redistributive policies. Today it faces an economic crisis, with inflation reaching 160 per cent and poverty shooting up to 40 per cent.

Markets act as an economic discovery process, with businesses rewarded for developing products people want to purchase and punished with failure if they cannot. “In other words, the capitalist is the social benefactor who contributes to the wellbeing of society,” Milei says. “In short, a successful entrepreneur is a hero.” But when the state gets in the way, through over-taxation and over-regulation, the market process and entrepreneurs are undermined. The consequence is a smaller economic pie, harming society, like in Argentina but also increasingly across the West.

Milei does not just take aim at explicit socialists, who continue to advocate for a failed system that led to the deaths of many. But also, those across the political spectrum who want more state intervention. They use excuses, ranging from exaggerated claims of “market failures” to the promotion of gender equality and the environment, to justify policies that lead to impoverishment. He says these new socialists or “neo-marxists” have co-opted the media, culture, universities and even – shudder in Davos – international organisations.

Milei is a radical breath of fresh air in an era in which politicians from the Left and the Right view the state as their personal fiefdom. He has proposed a mega package of hundreds of reforms to reduce regulatory barriers, privatise state assets and reduce inflation. There have been some early signs of success. The abolition of a restrictive rental law has been linked to a significant increase in available apartments and a drop in rents in Buenos Aires.

Argentina has a long and difficult uphill journey ahead. Milei could fail due to strong organised opposition and an excessive centralisation of power. Or he could be the leader that returns the country to prosperity and provides an essential lesson to leaders across the world. “The state is not the solution, the state is the problem,” Milei said, “Long live freedom, dammit!”

Matthew Lesh is the Director of Public Policy and Communications at the Institute of Economic Affairs

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