Jay Slater: Scottish mountain rescue team 'await police permission to fly to Tenerife'

Jay Slater
-Credit: (Image: Lancs Live/MEN Media)

A volunteer who headed to Tenerife in an effort to locate missing Jay Slater has reported that Scottish mountain rescue squads are eager to join the hunt. However, Paul Arnott, who has gained attention on TikTok by documenting his search, mentioned they require authorisation before making the trip.

He updated followers, expressing: "So guys, I just want to give everyone a quick update in regards to me talking about attempting to bring a Scottish mountain rescue out here."

"Now I've [been] in touch with Scottish mountain rescue, I haven't really been talking about it too much, however I've been speaking to a really, really kind woman this morning and the situation to be honest guys is Scottish mountain rescue would like to come out, they'd like to attend, they've been following everything very closely of course."

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They also wanted to acknowledge the public's support, he said: "And they're very impressed with what's been going on, not only that, they wanted to say thank-you to everyone who's been donating to the Scottish mountain rescue fund. We've raised quite a lot of money so thank you so much.".

Describing the complexities involved in organising such a deployment, Mr Arnott added: "In regard to the whole situation guys, basically they do want to come out, they can't just fly over, it's not as simple as that. For them to actually come over they need to have permission from Scotland Police. That's how it works, so right now we're trying to get permission, we're trying to get authority from Scotland Police and we'll see what happens."

"But Scottish mountain rescue are an amazing group of people, they're fully behind us, they really want to come and help. It's just a certain procedure that has to be done first guys."

Paul has previously dismissed the final police search for the British teenager as a "massive PR thing", reports the Mirror