Jay Slater search area 'deserted' as volunteer slams 'massive PR stunt'

La Cruz Hilda mountain pass viewpoint
-Credit: (Image: Stan Kujawa)

The area in Tenerife which was once a hub of activity lays eerily quiet today. Hilda Viewpoint has seen search teams and journalists congregate daily amid the search for missing British teenager Jay Slater.

But this monring (Sunday, June 30), Spanish police announced that the seach has been called off. They are however still investigating what happened to the 19-year-old, it has been reported.

Just 24-hours ago (June 29), the area was full of people conducting a large-scale search for Jay who was last heard from almost two weeks ago. He call his friend, Lucy Law, on Monday, June 17 and told her he was planning to walk 11-hours back to where he was staying.

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But after his phone ran out of battery, he has not been heard from since. For yesterday's search, just six volunteers turned up including British TikToker and amateur mountaineer Paul Arnott, 29, who is helping Jay's family, The Mirror reports.

Jay Slater
Jay Slater -Credit:Supplied

Arnott, from Bedfordshire, had dismissed Saturday's search operation as "ridiculous", "madness" and "a massive PR thing". He said: "I thought today was going to be so productive. I thought so many people were going to show up.

"I thought it was going to be really organised and I thought it was going to get out, not start the search when the hottest point of the day is." Mr Arnott, who had paid £400 to fly from Britain to join the search, added: "I just thought it was going to be massive and it's not. It's absolute madness guys. This is ridiculous. This is mad."