Jealous lover broadcast hotel room horrorshow on Facetime to girlfriend's twin sister

A jealous thug Facetimed his girlfriend's twin and told her he would smash a bottle over her head and stab her in the neck - unless she told him who her sister was seeing.

Jacob Pemberton-Pounder, 27, called the woman and demanded she showed him she was alone in a hotel room before making threats against her sister, who he was with.

Preston Crown Court heard the sisters had been on holiday together and Pemberton-Pounder suspected his girlfriend had cheated. At 9:30pm on January 14, the sister received a call from a number she did not recognise.


When she answered, she recognised Pemberton-Pounder's voice and heard her sister crying, and saying, 'Jake, stop', Francis McEntee, prosecuting, told the court. The defendant made threats to both sisters and told the woman she would not have a sister the next day.

He said he was going to "rearrange his girlfriend's face" and telling the woman to "watch this now".

"She described the screen of the call going blank, as if he had put the phone down", Mr McEntee said. "While that was going on she could hear her sister begging him to stop."

The woman offered to meet Pemberton-Pounder in an attempt to stop what was going on. He then pointed the camera at her sister, who had a large black eye, the court heard.

The woman was scared and arranged to meet the defendant at Burnley fire station. She called her ex's mum who contacted the police.

In a victim impact statement, she said: "When I received the Facetime my heart dropped to my stomach. It was a terrible, terrible feeling of dread and I knew it was happening again. I honestly felt anxious, angry and scared because I could hear my screaming and begging him to stop.

"When he said on the Facetime he was going to kill me I truly believed him. My heart had a sinking feeling and I felt sick. I know what he is capable of."

Following the incident she said she was scared to leave her home or go to the shops as she feared he would carry out his threats.

"I'm in bits", she said. "I feel like he has ruined my life. My sister and I used to be so close but since she got into a relationship with him she is not the same person any more."

Charlie Brown, defending, said Pemberton-Pounder could now recognise that his relationship with the woman was toxic and appreciates his behaviour caused distress to his girlfriend's sister. The relationship is now over and he has no plans to go back to it, he said.

Since the incident he has taken steps to address his drinking and accepts he needs to change.

Recorder Paul Atherton, sentencing, said: "The purpose of the call was to intimidate your girlfriend primarily but the effect of it was to also intimidate her sister. You said you would beat her sister black and blue and rearrange her face. She had a big, black eye and you said you were going to kill her.

"You used Facetime and showed an apparent injury in the course of that communication."

Pemberton-Pounder, of Kingsbury Place, Burnley, pleaded guilty to using electronic communication to cause alarm or distress.

He was sentenced to six months suspended for two years and ordered to attend a Building Better Relationships course, 20 days rehabilitation requirements and 80 hours of unpaid work.