Jelly Belly Adds Two New Stomach-Turning Flavors to BeanBoozled Jelly Bean Pack

The weird flavors — Wet Dog and Burnt Rubber — have identical-looking, yet delicious counterparts in each pack

<p>Jelly Belly</p> Jelly Belly introduced two new flavors for the new BeanBoozled packs

Jelly Belly

Jelly Belly introduced two new flavors for the new BeanBoozled packs

Jelly Belly’s latest flavors won’t satisfy anyone’s sweet tooth.

The candy brand revealed two new jelly bean flavors: Burnt Rubber and Wet Dog. The nauseating candies are part of the latest iteration of BeanBoozled, a game of chance where each pack pairs identical-looking jelly beans with very different flavors. Some packages even come with a spinning wheel to help daredevils choose which color bean to eat.

The latest pack has black jelly beans that can either be Burnt Rubber or Licorice; and yellow and brown spotted jelly beans that taste like Wet Dog or Top Banana.


BeanBoozled has been a diabolical favorite of kids since it was first released in 2007. Every few years since, Jelly Belly has released a new edition of the Russian Roulette-style game, trading out a few gross flavors for another. Earlier versions had flavors like Canned Dog Food (which resembled Chocolate Pudding), Centipede (which resembled Strawberry Jam) or Dirty Dishwater (which resembled Birthday Cake).

<p>Jelly Belly</p> The BeanBoozled jelly bean pairs look and smell the same but have very different flavors

Jelly Belly

The BeanBoozled jelly bean pairs look and smell the same but have very different flavors

Burnt Rubber and Wet Dog are joined by eight other stomach-turning flavors in BeanBoozled's seventh edition. Tutti-Frutti looks deceptively similar to Stinky Socks. Berry Blue is mistaken for Toothpaste. Peach and Barf are both orange with red speckles. Toasted Marshmallow mimics Stink Bug. Juicy Pear and Booger look identical. Pomegranate is the sweet counterpart to Old Bandage. Cappuccino and Liver and Onions have matching appearances. And Strawberry Banana Smoothie looks interchangeable with Dead Fish.

While half of the flavors are fan-favorites and the other half sound sickening, all of the jelly beans are edible.

To celebrate the newest flavors, Jelly Belly is collaborating with Wilder toy brand to also sell BeanBoozled Taste the Truth. Players ask one another personal questions and correct answers get rewarded with a normal Jelly Belly and incorrect responses get the abnormal beans. Unlike the usual BeanBoozled packages, the sweet beans are separate from the unappealing ones.


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For fans who don’t want to accidentally snack on a sock-flavored candy, Oreo has a new cookie at grocery stores nationwide: Mint Chip Oreos. They are modeled after the classic ice cream flavor — even down to the cone.

Not to be confused with classic Mint Oreos, this version, which hit shelves on July 8, combines two classic chocolate cookies with a waffle cone embossment, mint chip-flavored cream and little chocolate chips.

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