What Jennifer Did: Netflix accused of using fake images of Jennifer Pan in popular documentary

the poster for what jennifer did
Netflix accused of using AI pics in documentaryNetflix

Streaming channel Netflix is being questioned over claims that the popular documentary, What Jennifer Did, detailing the story of Jennifer Pan hiring hitmen to kill her own parents, uses AI-generated imagery of Pan.

Cosmopolitan UK has reached out to Netflix, and the film's director, Jenny Popplewell, for a comment on these claims.

The concerns were initially flagged by Futurism, a tech focussed site, which has suggested that when Pan's school friend Nam Nguyen speaks, describing Pan as "bubbly, happy, confident, and very genuine", the images that flash up to accompany may not be genuine.

jennifer pan appears to pose with with her hands up in an image some are saying is ai generated

Photos are shown of Pan posing and making a peace sign, with her tongue pointing at the camera. However, Futurism have suggested that Pan's left hand appears to have just two fingers, and is missing a thumb, ring finger and small finger. On Pan's right hand, it looks as though another finger might be missing.

When it comes to AI-generated images, hands can typically be a telltale sign that something is amiss, along with teeth and hair.

Although we don't know anything for certain about whether or not the images are false, it would cause serious alarm bells to ring given the programme is billed as factual and no disclaimer with regards to AI is included anywhere.

We will update this story if Netflix or Popplewell respond to queries.

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