Jennifer Garner Got A Surprise Birthday Call From Julie Andrews, And Her Fans Had The Best Reactions To Her Fangirling

 Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins/Jennifer Garner in The Last Thing He Told Me.
Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins/Jennifer Garner in The Last Thing He Told Me.

We all have that celebrity that, were we to meet them, we’d probably have a hard time keeping ourselves together. I got to interview Dwayne Johnson once and I still haven't recovered.  We may often forget that other celebrities also have that celebrity that can make them lose control. We saw Brie Larson lose her cool meeting JLo not that long ago. For Jennifer Garner, it appears that the person who causes her to freak out is Julie Andrews. Honestly, same.

Jennifer Garner celebrated a birthday recently and just what do you get for the woman who probably has everything? If you’re Katie Couric, you apparently get her a birthday phone call from her idol. Couric posted a video to TikTok that shows the conversation between Andrews and Garner, and it’s adorable how Garner just goes complete fangirl. Check out the full exchange below.

Jennifer Garner wears her emotions on her sleeve. She once broke down in tears watching the end of The Office, but this is next level. Garner shows that she is a serious Julie Andrews fan. Not only does she bring up her Oscar-winning role in Mary Poppins and her stage role in My Fair Lady that made her a star, but she also wants to talk about the children’s books Andrews has written, which isn’t something that everybody would even know about. You can see Andrews light up a bit when Garner mentions the books, as she probably isn’t asked about that nearly as often.

There are probably more than a few people in the comments of the video who would fangirl a bit if they met Jennifer Garner, but those fans love watching her get that way talking to Julie Andrews. Comments include…

  • I would absolutely hyperventilate if Julie Andrews called me -Not Yanny

  • The most relatable Jennifer Garner has ever been. I too would break into a sweat if I got to talk to Julie Andrews. -Brooke Collins

  • Jen crawling out of her skin is killing me 😂 -myrandamora88

  • The world doesn’t deserve Julie or Jen ✨-Kathleen Bishnoi

  • Jen’s reactions reminded me so much of her character on 13 Going on 30!! -Waiteup

Jennifer Garner says that she has raised her kids on Julie Andrews, just as she was raised on the actress, and that’s probably the case for a lot of people. Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music alone were a big part of childhood for many of us of a certain age. Certainly, if I found myself talking to Julie Andrews, I would be reacting much like Garner does here.

Julie Andrews ends their call by promising to meet up with Jennifer Garner in person at some point in the future, and oh to be a fly on the wall during that lunch date if it ever happens. I can't even imagine how Garner will react to meeting Julie Andrews in person. I can only hope there will be video.