Jeremy Clarkson applauded for helping farmers with 'inspiring' law change

Jeremy Clarkson has had planning permission woes
-Credit: (Image: (Image: ITV))

Jeremy Clarkson has been outspoken about the challenges facing farmers, particularly those less financially secure than himself. Despite the 'Clarkson's Farm' star having multiple sources of income, including his Amazon Prime series, newspaper columns, and TV presenting roles, many farmers are not as lucky and have been suffocated by bureaucracy.

Following Jeremy's failed attempt to get planning permission to transform an old lambing barn into a restaurant, there was chatter about a 'Clarkson's Clause'. Presenters Cat Deeley and Ben Shephard from 'This Morning' were thrilled to announce that it has now been implemented.

This new regulation allows disused farm buildings to be repurposed into eateries and shops without needing planning permission. Jeremy confessed he anticipated the refusal of his restaurant plans, aiming to generate an engaging plot for his show, but this has led to a reform that will aid farmers nationwide. Farmers have also gained the right to establish outdoor sports facilities and training centres with less bureaucratic interference.

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Cat expressed gratitude for the law's potential benefits for children interested in learning about agriculture and food origins. Ben, reflecting on his friends in farming, welcomed the change as a victory over "needless bureaucracy", reports the Express.

"The farming minister Mark Spencer has said it would cut needless bureaucracy and make diversification easier," Ben explained. He continued: "I've got friends that are farmers - ironically friends that are shepherds, makes perfect sense - and they've always said to me there's been a huge shift in perception from the general public that like the idea of farming to understand how hard you have to work as a farmer but also the bureaucracy involved in getting anything across the line."

The duo highlighted the critical need for farms to "flourish and survive" amidst a challenging economic landscape. The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board reports that the farming sector saw losses exceeding £500m between October 2020 and May 2022, with additional pressures coming from vegan and eco-group protests.

Previously in February, Jeremy Clarkson's co-star on 'Clarkson's Farm', Kaleb Cooper, expressed his strong views on MPs' attitudes towards farmers, describing them as "feral as f***".

"I think rewilding is total bulls***! " he declared, further stating with frustration: "The government is now paying farmers not to farm."

"They say: 'You're harming the planet, you're harming the wildlife and you're not making any money.'".

He condemned the situation, saying: "When people get older, and reach their 60s, they think: 'I'll take that money' - but what does that mean for the younger generation? It leaves them with nothing! ".

In the following month, a protest saw over 100 tractors roll past the Houses of Parliament, adorned with placards reading "No farmers, no food, no future".

The demonstrations occurred as Jeremy highlighted that he'd only made a paltry £144 profit in his first year of farming, despite reports indicating his overall net worth is estimated to be around £55 million. It appears that Jeremy and Kaleb's efforts to make farming more equitable have ignited a movement, and the UK government is now beginning to pay attention to the concerns of farmers.