Jeremy Clarkson brewery targeted by anti-hunt protestors

Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs and Gloucestershire Badger Office organised the protest at the Hawkstone Brewery site
Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs and Gloucestershire Badger Office said they organised the protest at the Hawkstone Brewery site -Credit:© Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs SWNS

Animal rights protestors targeted Jeremy Clarkson’s Hawkstone Brewery after he let a hunt onto his land. Campaigners descended on the site in Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucs., with banners reading “Jezza, hands off me badgers”.

Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs and Gloucestershire Badger Office said they organised the protest after Clarkson allowed The Heythrop Hunt onto his estate. They said the group had been accused on "numerous" occasions of breaching the 2004 Hunting Act - which bans the use of dogs to capture and kill wild animals.

A spokesperson for Action Against Foxhunting, who was also at the protest, said: “Jeremy Clarkson does diddly squat to protect wildlife”. The campaigners, who made their voices heard on Wednesday (April 10), later delivered a letter outlining why they had gathered outside the star’s property.

And this had three demands of Clarkson: that he not allow fox hunting on his lands, not allow anyone to disturb badger setts and to not take part in a ‘badger cull’. Despite chanting slogans directed at the ex-Top Gear presenter, whose show Clarkson’s Farm has millions of fans, they also hoped to start a dialogue with him.

Protesters gather outside Jeremy Clarkson's farm shop in Chadlington
Protesters gather outside Jeremy Clarkson's farm shop in Chadlington, Oxon -Credit:© Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs SWNS

Clarkson is not suspected of breaking the law in any way. The letter read: “We are writing this open letter to you concerning issues of wildlife persecution on land which you own.

“It has been noted that you give permission to the Heythrop Hunt to hunt on your land. They have been accused on numerous occasions of hunting wild mammals in breach of the Hunting Act 2004 and were convicted of illegal hunting offences back in 2012.

"Large numbers of freshly blocked badger setts have been found in areas surrounding hunt meets over the years. We are writing to you in the hope that we can start a dialogue regarding wildlife persecution and protection."

Clarkson previously revealed he had been reported to the police and denied that he filled in badger setts on his land. He claimed he was not at fault and branded animal rights protesters who reported him as 'not very bright’.

A spokesperson from the Heythrop Hunt said: “The Heythrop Hunt conducts lawful trail hunting activities to comply with the Hunting Act. "The hunt liaises with landowners to obtain permission to conduct an activity which complies with the law and which is regulated by the British Hound Sports Association.

More than 12,000 days of trail hunting take place each year yet hunts and landowners are regularly subjected to spurious allegations made by activists with a political agenda to stop an activity which simply involves people following a pack of hounds which are following a scent that has been dragged across the countryside on a smelly rag.” Diddly Squat Farm and Hawkstone Brewery have been contacted for comment.