Jeremy Corbyn's campaign group directs activists away from key marginal seats of his most vocal critics

Ilford North was left off the map -  Progress/REX/Shutterstock
Ilford North was left off the map - Progress/REX/Shutterstock

Jeremy Corbyn's core campaign team of dedicated activists, Momentum, has been diverting campaigners away from the marginal seats of some of his most vocal critics, including Wes Streeting and Neil Coyle.

The hard-left group has created a marginal map, launched last Thursday, in which voters type in their postcodes and are directed to their 'nearest marginal'.

The Telegraph checked postcodes in the marginal seats to see whether they were included on the map.

However, voters in the seats of 36 out of the 50 former Labour MPs with the lowest majorities are directed to other constituencies.

Many of the former MPs left off the map are seen as hostile by Corbyn's team, according to a list leaked last year.

A Momentum spokesperson told the Telegraph that the inaccuracies in the map are due to ineptitude and lack of volunteer time, and not the fact many MPs left off are critical of the Labour leader.

Ian Lucas, formerly the MP for Wrexham, was left off the map. He has called for Jeremy Corbyn to quit as Labour leader in the past, as has Wes Streeting.

Neil Coyle is not on the map, and his constituents are directed elsewhere. He once described Jeremy Corbyn as having  “weak leadership, poor judgment and a mistaken sense of priorities” in an article he co-wrote with Jo Cox.

Rosena Allin-Khan's constituency of Tooting is left off the map; and her predecessor Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, was viewed as hostile by Jeremy Corbyn's allies. 

Her team believes the Conservatives are purposefully targeting her seat to embarrass Mr Khan and many feel is it likely Tooting will go Conservative at the General Election.

Ilford North was left off the map
Ilford North was left off the map

Alison McGovern, who was elected as MP for Wirral South in 2010 and 2015, resigned from the Shadow Cabinet last year because of Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. Wirral South constituents are advised to campaign elsewhere by the Momentum map.

Mary Creagh is viewed as hostile to Jeremy Corbyn according to the list leaked last year, and her constituency has been left off the map.

A Momentum spokesperson has been contacted for comment.

Momentum marginal map | Labour marginals left off


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