Jet2, Ryanair, Easyjet, TUI passengers warned 'never' unpack suitcase on bed

Jet2, Ryanair, Easyjet and TUI passengers have been warned to "never" unpack suitcases on a bed. If you're heading abroad this summer with popular airlines like Ryanair, Easyjet, TUI and Jet2 - as well as those flying with British Airways and the likes - have been warned.

Holidaymakers have been warned to "never" unpack suitcases on your bed after a holiday. The team at MattressNextDay have issued a warning to British tourists as they return from their summer holidays - and it's all to do with where you unpack your suitcase.

Martin Seeley, CEO and mattress expert, warned: "Unpack on a hard floor and not in your bedroom. When you get home, unpack your luggage in another location apart from your bedroom. Even better if it's on hard flooring, as you won't be able to spot bed bugs on a carpet.

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"Inspect your suitcase closely and use a flashlight or torch to look into the seams, folds and pockets of your suitcase." He further advised that tourists should always vacuum clean their suitcase before stowing it away.

Martin warned: "Never put your suitcase on the hotel bed. It is common that when you initially arrive at your hotel, you might put your suitcase straight onto the bed without checking for bugs and begin unpacking. However, by doing this, you're putting your luggage and clothes right onto the place where bed bugs are commonly found and giving them a free ticket home."

Instead, holidaymakers who have been abroad are warned to store their suitcase as close to the hotel room door as possible or keep it on the luggage rack. Bed bugs are generally more attracted to dirty clothing rather than clean so tourists should bring a spare bag to store dirty washing.

Some hotels also offer a laundry service where tourists can get their dirty clothes cleaned during their stay, too.