Jet2, Ryanair, TUI, and easyJet travellers warned over wearing particular clothing item

Plane seats
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Passengers flying with Jet2, Ryanair, TUI, and Easyjet this summer might face unexpected hurdles if they fail to dress appropriately. An airline insider has disclosed that unsuitable clothing could lead to passengers being denied boarding.

Mary Jo Manzanares, a seasoned flight attendant with over 30 years of experience and contributor to CNN Travel, has highlighted the importance of airlines' stringent dress codes.

The aviation expert stressed the importance of addressing issues before takeoff and said: "You've got to make your priority resolving things on the ground, making sure that there is no aggression. When you go to 30,000 feet, you may [have] passenger conversation or banter or inappropriate comments between passengers, add in a little alcohol, and you may be making an unscheduled landing. And no one wants that."

A fellow cabin crew member shared their perspective on enforcing these policies and told The Sun: "We're well within our rights to prevent people getting on the flight and it's used frequently for people who aren't dressed in a way we would deem to be acceptable."

For those flying out with the likes of Jet2, Ryanair, TUI, or Easyjet, take note: your choice of attire could significantly impact your travel experience, reports the Mirror. A cabin crew member warned: "There are some obvious examples here, including t-shirts with swear words or offensive logos on them, which people are regularly asked to cover up, or remove, before they get on board."

While most airlines don't enforce a stringent dress code, it's advisable to avoid wearing dirty, torn clothes, overly casual outfits, or anything featuring potentially offensive slogans or explicit imagery. Also, while flip-flops may be the footwear of choice for some holidaymakers, certain airlines might not be too keen on letting passengers board in full beachwear mode.

It's important to remember that if you're travelling to a place with specific dress codes or cultural expectations, airlines will require you to dress accordingly even before you board the aircraft.