Jim Carrey sued by ex-girlfriend’s mum amid STD claims

Cathriona White’s mum has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against actor Jim Carrey – just weeks after her dad took similar steps to sue the star.

Jim Carrey

Brigid Sweetman claims that Catriona’s tragic overdose was sparked by the Dumb and Dumber star passing on three sexually transmitted diseases. She says that when Catriona confronted him about it, he broke up with her.

The lawsuit also alleges the actor threatened to silence Cathriona with the help of “fixers”, called her a “whore” and told her that she was becoming “too much drama.”

The lawsuit claims: “However, Ms. White continued to struggle emotionally with what Carrey had done and how he manipulated and pressured her, even in the months and days leading to her death.

“This ultimately was a significant cause of Ms. White ending her life.”

Cathriona White

Irish make-up artist Cathriona killed herself on September 28, 2015 – and her final phone call was a three minute conversation with Carrey.

“Jim Carrey should be ashamed of what he did to my daughter,” Sweetman said in a statement announcing the lawsuit. “He should be ashamed for how he has used his Hollywood attorneys to badmouth Cat’s husband Mark with the hope that nobody will hold him responsible for what he did.

“As a family, we want the world to know the truth about who Jim Carrey really is – a man that will give your daughter three STDs, lie about it, call her terrible names and demean her, use his high priced lawyers to try and shut her and her family up, and then give her illegal drugs.

Jim Carrey Catheriona White

Carrey’s lawyer Marty Singer later issued a response dismissing all of the claims out of hand: “It is understandable that a mother who has lost a daughter will look for someone to blame.

“But in directing her grief and rage at Jim Carrey and joining this ridiculous lawyer’s attempt to capitalize on Cathriona’s suicide, Mrs. Sweetman is heading down the same dark path as Cathriona’s green-card “husband,” Mark Burton.

“Cathriona often lamented about her contentious relationship with her mother, how she was forced to leave home at the age of 15, and how they had been estranged for years.”

“The claim that Mr. Carrey gave Cathriona White an STD is categorically disputed. This is a desperate, bogus claim made by the ‘husband’ of the sham marriage. My client will not pay money to end this opportunist’s transparent shakedown lawsuit, and this malicious case will be dismissed.

Jim Carrey
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“Mr. Carrey has suffered a great deal in the last year with the suicide of the woman he dearly loved, and it is outrageous that he should be subjected to this predatory lawsuit.”