Jim Jeffries admits he's been punched twice by hecklers

Jim Jeffries has admitted he's been punched twice by hecklers.

The Australian comedian revealed he's "not the best" at dealing with unhappy audience members.

Asked how he manages hecklers, Jim, 47, explained he has limited abilities in that area - and there is video evidence to prove it.

"If you Google Jim Jeffries punched, you will see what people do with me when they heckle," he quipped on Australian breakfast TV show Sunrise.

"I've actually been punched on stage twice, but it's only been caught on film once. I'm not the best."

Jim also took time to defend fellow comic Arj Barker, 49, who was caught up in controversy in April after he asked a breastfeeding mother and her baby to leave one of his gigs.

"No children in my shows, I swear a lot! Of course you're not meant to have babies!" Jim said.

"I couldn't believe this was even an argument, that poor Arj Barker got in trouble because someone was breastfeeding in the show."

He went on to explain he didn't think a stand-up comedy show was the right place for infants or children.

"It's an adult show you are going to," Jim said. "It's like if you went to a strip club, 'I was trying to breastfeed my baby in the strip club and everyone got upset at me', no, of course you aren't meant to have kids there."