Jimmy Kimmel Has Brutal Question For Matt Gaetz As He Gripes About Kevin McCarthy

Jimmy Kimmel zeroed in on Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) Thursday after the House went a third day without choosing a speaker. (Watch the video below.)

The talk show host noted that Gaetz was among the “super right-wing holdouts” who refuse to vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), leaving the speaker hopeful short of the required votes.

While Kimmel called Gaetz a “circus jerk,” he actually agreed with him on something. The comedian showed a clip of Gaetz complaining that McCarthy has been using the speaker’s office. “Why is he even allowed to be there?” Gaetz asked.

“It’s not a bad question,” Kimmel said. “Another question: Why aren’t you in jail yet?”

Gaetz was suspected of sex trafficking in a long-running federal investigation, but likely will not face charges, according to a Washington Post report last fall. The probe focused on his alleged sexual involvement with a 17-year-old. The far-right lawmaker has denied any criminal conduct and said he has never paid for sex.

A witness in the case, former Gaetz associate Joel Greenberg, pleaded guilty to sex trafficking of the same teen and other crimes.
