Jimmy Kimmel Returns To Give Trump A Soaking Wet Prison Reality Check

Jimmy Kimmel had a few things to get off his chest on Monday, his first night back on the air after the five-month writers strike.

And much of it was about Donald Trump.

“I am backed up like you wouldn’t believe,” he declared, and he wasn’t kidding: that kicked off about eight straight minutes of jokes about the former president.

Kimmel noted that Trump had just been in California, where he vowed to “dampen” the state’s 33 million acres of forest to prevent wildfires and then complained that people in Beverly Hills smell bad because water restrictions mean weaker showers.

“So when you meet somebody with a beautiful house in Beverly Hills, you know that person is sorta disgusting,” Trump said.


“That ridiculous man had the nuclear codes for four years,” Kimmel said, then suggested that Trump might have shower worries of his own in the not-too-distant future.

“Wait ’til he finds out about the showers in prison,” Kimmel cracked. “He is not gonna be happy.”

He was referring to the 91 felony counts Trump faces across four criminal cases.

“It’s like all of Melania’s birthday wishes came true at once,” Kimmel said.

See more of his monologue below: