Joanna Lumley reveals secrets to her long marriage

Joanna Lumley still writes love letters to her husband after nearly 40 years of marriage credit:Bang Showbiz
Joanna Lumley still writes love letters to her husband after nearly 40 years of marriage credit:Bang Showbiz

Joanna Lumley still writes love letters to her husband after nearly 40 years of marriage.

The 76-year-old ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ actress was briefly married to actor Jeremy Lloyd and has son James, 55, from her relationship with the photographer Michael Claydon, but is set to celebrate her 37th wedding anniversary to her conductor husband Stephen Barlow, 68, later this year and says the love notes they exchange is one of the keys to their long relationship.

She told the new issue of Yours magazine: “Stephen and I are forever writing notes.

“When I’m the other side of the world, in faraway lands, we write to each other. People say, ‘Who writes letters anymore?’ and I say, ‘I do!’ I think that’s been really important for our marriage.”

She added about the importance of respect and being friends in a relationship: “They say the secret to a long marriage is not to get divorced – a perfect answer.

“But the real secret is starting off with respect. Don’t marry someone if you don’t respect them – know that you admire them for what they do and who they are.

“Have courtesy and be kind to your partner. Stephen and I love and respect each other, and I think that’s what you need.

“The second most important thing is that they must be your best friend. Your real go-to and trusted friend.”

Joanna also admitted about being starstruck by the prospect of working with Leonardo DiCaprio, 48, with whom she starred on ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’: “My heart did beat a little faster at the thought of working with him.

“And he couldn’t have been sweeter or more courteous. I was afraid he may be a bit of a Hollywood brat, but he turned out to be the sweetest, most modest, kind-hearted, good natured, humble, adorable man.”