Jodie Prenger has special Coronation Street memento from the Rovers Return

 credit:Bang Showbiz
credit:Bang Showbiz

'Coronation Street' star Jodie Prenger kept the first glass from the first pint she ever poured in the Rovers Return as barmaid Glenda Shuttleworth.

The 44-year-old actress has proven to be very popular with viewers since joining the ITV soap as bold and brassy Brenda - the sister of funeral director George Shuttleworth, played by Tony Maudsley - and she just couldn’t resist keeping the memento from the Weatherfield pub.

She spilled: “I shouldn’t say this but I did keep the first pint glass I ever poured. It’s sad that isn’t it? I’ve joined the sad train, I’m not getting off, I don’t care. I’m really happy about it.”

Jodie is following in the footsteps of legendary Rovers barmaids like Betty Williams (Betty Driver), Tina McIntyre (Michelle Keegan) and Bet Lynch (Julie Goodyear), but she insists she can’t live up to their legacies and just has to do her best as Glenda.

Appearing on the 'Conversation Street' podcast, she said: "I can’t… they’re iconic. Your Julie Goodyears and people like that, she was that icon. I never, ever put myself in those positions I just work as hard as I can and get on with it and hope someone likes it.

“I think you have to be quite brass with the people you work with and the punters. You have to spin them a penny. I think it’s the fun element. One thing I always grew up loving with Corrie is on the darkest days they can still have a good laugh, and I love that.

“I do find that when you get people coming into the Rovers, no matter what character it is, and they’re having a bad day and Glenda can say something a little bit funny they can have a laugh and share a moment. I get to say the scripts that I grew up loving so I’m extremely lucky in that regard.”

Jodie - who was crowned the winner of BBC talent show 'I’d Do Anything' to find an actress to play Nancy in 'Oliver Twist' back in 2008 - has teased there’s a lot more to come Glenda, including a love interest, which she wants sooner rather than later.

She said: "I don’t know how much I can say but she’s been doing a lot of flirting lately, I made myself blush with one of them!

“It would be great to have a love interest. I don’t think in true Glenda fashion, and in what’s been said prior, I don’t feel it would go well, which I think might be fun to watch. She’s obviously not been lucky in love.

“I think they’re all taken aren’t they, I’m not having anyone’s cast-offs!"