John Glen: Infected Blood Scandal 'appalling tragedy that should never have happened'

John Glen addressing Parliament on the compensation scheme for those affected by the infected blood scandal Image: BBC
John Glen addressing Parliament on the compensation scheme for those affected by the infected blood scandal Image: BBC

SALISBURY'S MP said the infected blood scandal was "an appalling tragedy that should never have happened".

Since being appointed to the Cabinet Office in November, John Glen MP has worked on developing the government's response to the Infected Blood Inquiry and the compensation that victims should receive.

The 2,527-page report from the inquiry, published on Monday, found the scandal "could largely have been avoided" and there was a "pervasive" cover-up to hide the truth.

More than 30,000 people were infected with deadly viruses between the 1970s and early 1990s as they received blood transfusions or blood products while receiving NHS care.

Salisbury Journal: John Glen is no longer the chief secretary to the treasury.
Salisbury Journal: John Glen is no longer the chief secretary to the treasury.

Some 3,000 people have since died.

The Journal understands this also includes people in Salisbury, with one man living with an infection for 40 years following a blood transfusion.

Mr Glen told the Journal that working on the inquiry is "probably the biggest thing I'll ever do".

He said: "I was proud to sit alongside the Prime Minister in the Commons as he apologised on behalf of successive governments dating back to the 1970s for this terrible injustice.

"The infected blood scandal was an appalling tragedy that should never have happened, and it is right that those infected and affected have now received a wholehearted and unequivocal apology."

He also reiterated the Prime Minister' Rishi Sunak's apology to victims of the scandal, telling the House of Commons: "The Prime Minister spoke about the anguish that the infected blood scandal brought to those impacted by it. I want to reiterate his words and apologise again today, I am sorry."

Sir Robert Francis has now been appointed the interim chair of the Infected Blood Compensation Authority and he will seek the views of the community on the compensation scheme over the coming weeks.

Mr Glen said: "I recognise that members of the infected blood community are still dying each week from their infections and there will be people who are thinking to themselves that they may not live to see compensation.

"I want to address those concerns. The government will be making further interim payments ahead of the establishment of the full scheme.

"Payments of £210,000 will be made to living infected beneficiaries, those registered with existing infected blood support schemes, as well as those who register with the support scheme before the final scheme becomes operational and the estates of those who pass away between now and payments being made. "

According to Government documents, people living with an HIV infection as a result of the scandal could receive between £2.2 million and £2.6 million.

Payments for people living with hepatitis vary from £35,500 for an "acute" infection up to £1,557,000 for the most severe illnesses caused by the virus, according to the figures.

People infected with both viruses could be paid up to £2.7 million.

Mr Glen also announced that family members of those infected would also be eligible for compensation.

After giving details on the scheme, he added: “However, this is not the end. Over the next few weeks Sir Robert Francis will seek views from the infected blood community on the proposed scheme before its terms are set in regulations, to make sure that the scheme will best serve those that it’s intended for.”