John Legend and Chrissy Teigen Pass Climate Protesters on Way to White House Correspondents' Dinner

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen passed through a crowd of climate protesters as they arrived at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner on April 29.

Footage by Brendan Gutenschwager shows the couple arriving at the Washington Hilton amid shouts of “the planet is dying.” Credit: Brendan Gutenschwager via Storyful

Video transcript

- Stand with us! Hey. Hi.

- Excuse us. Excuse us.

- John Legend, Justin Lake from Chicago. How you doing?

- The planet is dying!

- The planet is dying!

- The planet is dying! The planet is dying!


- The planet is dying! The [AUDIO OUT] dying.




- John Legend?

- I love you cookbook!

- I love you!

- I'd love for you to get rid of fossil fuels in your stock portfolios! You can help us! Do you have fossil fuels in your stock portfolio? Hello? Yes, Chrissy! That's what I like to hear, Chrissy. She doesn't have fossil fuels in her stock portfolio. No, she doesn't! Do you?

- [INAUDIBLE] killing our planet. The media is--