John Swinney apologises 'unreservedly' to victims of infected blood scandal

John Swinney has ALREADY led the SNP to its first defeat of this Parliament
John Swinney -Credit:Jane Barlow/PA Wire

John Swinney has apologised "unreservedly" to the victims of the infected blood scandal.

The First Minister said he was "sorry for the hurt, worry and damage" those affected had suffered.

He said the Scottish Government would work with Westminster to ensure victims receive compensation.

The SNP leader also pledged the NHS would have a culture of "openness", "transparency" and putting patient safety first.

Some 30,000 victims who were given contaminated blood or blood products by the NHS between 1970 and 1991 - an estimated 3,000 of those lived in Scotland.

At least 21 children were infected with HIV by contaminated blood products at the Yorkhill Children's hospital in Glasgow in that time.

Brian Langstaff published his landmark report into the scandal yesterday.

The former senior judge said it could have been avoided had warnings been heeded and patient safety put first. He also criticised a “subtle, pervasive and chilling” cover-up.

Swinney's statement came after the UK Government announced earlier on Tuesday that the first payments would be given out by the end of the year.

The FM told MSPs in Holyrood: "On behalf of the Scottish Government, and as First Minister of Scotland, I apologise unreservedly to everyone who has been affected in any way by these events.

"To everyone who has been affected, I want to say that you have been failed by the organisations and processes that should have been in place to protect and support you, and I am sorry for the hurt, worry and damage that you have suffered.

"I acknowledge, and welcome, the apology issued by the Prime Minister yesterday on behalf of the UK Government.

"This was, rightly, a fulsome apology. But not only that, the Prime Minister’s statement also contained two solemn promises.

"First, that comprehensive compensation would be paid to both the infected and affected. And second that a fundamental rebalancing of the system will be required in any consideration of the report’s recommendations.

"On the first, the Scottish Government will work collaboratively with the UK Government to put that into effect. On the second, the Scottish Government will take the necessary steps within our own responsibilities to make that happen."

He added that the UK Government's announcement on compensation today "is another step towards ensuring those infected and their bereaved relatives in Scotland receive compensation as soon as possible."

He urged Westminster "to implement the Victims and Prisoners Bill as quickly as possible".

Swinney also said the culture in the NHS must be different.

He said: "There is another lesson that must be learned. It is a lesson about the culture we must expect in our public services.

"That culture must be of the highest standards, a culture of openness, a culture of transparency, a culture where patient safety is paramount. That is the culture I will insist upon in our public services."

He also praised his constituent and campaigner Bill Wright, who was in Holyrood to watch the statement.

He said: "When I was elected as the Member of Parliament for North Tayside in 1997, one of the first constituents who came to see me was Bill Wright.

"Bill contracted Hepatitis C from contaminated blood products. He has faced – and continues to face - acute health challenges as a result of this treatment. It has had an overwhelming effect on his life and the family who love him.

"But despite this intense level of suffering, Bill – with enormous dignity - has campaigned tirelessly for justice on behalf of Haemophilia Scotland to secure justice for those who have been affected.

"On top of his campaigning, Bill has also been a valued member of the Scottish Infected Blood Support Scheme Advisory Board, and has also contributed his expertise and wisdom in a number of other areas to help advocate for better care for haemophilia and other bleeding disorder patients across Scotland.

"Without the leadership and unrelenting work from individuals like Bill, this report would not have happened. This truth would not have been exposed. This justice would never have been secured.

"Having walked on this journey with my constituent Bill Wright for these last 27 years, I am humbled that he is now able to hear, directly from his local Member of Parliament, now this country’s First Minister, the direct and unreserved apology from Government for the suffering that he has endured."

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