John Swinney blasts Labour and Tories for refusing to consider reversing Brexit

The Tories and Labour have both “turned their back on Scotland’s interest” by refusing to consider rejoining the European Union, John Swinney has insisted.

The SNP leader used a campaign speech in Aberdeen to hit out at the “truly disastrous outcome” the Brexit referendum has had on Scotland.

He highlighted the impact that the ending of the freedom of movement had had on businesses and the economy.

Speaking at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Swinney said: “You can’t be a party of Brexit and a party of growth.”

He continued: “As First Minister, I cannot sit back and accept the damage of Brexit that Labour will continue to impose.

“That will hurt too many people, it will hurt public services and it will hurt businesses.”

Leaving the EU has cost Scotland £2.3 billion in public revenue, Swinney said.

He argued that a “conservative estimate” suggested there was now about £1.6 billion less to spend on the NHS and other public services as a result.

He added: “To put that into context, £1.6 billion is the equivalent of more than one in six of our NHS staff.”

Swinney said that “given the damage that Brexit has caused, it is absolutely astonishing that none of the Westminster parties are interested in repairing that damage”.

He warned Scots that backing either Labour or the Conservatives next week would be “a vote for continued Brexit damage”.

He argued that “the Westminster parties have turned their back on Scotland’s interests” and that “Scotland’s interests lie firmly in being part of the European Union”.

His comments came eight years on from the result of the UK’s referendum on EU membership being declared – with the UK voting narrowly to leave, while Scotland overwhelmingly backed remain.

He urged Scots to back his party if they believe “Brexit was a mistake”.

The FM said that independence was now the only way Scotland would “ever regain the benefits of EU membership”.

He also insisted the referendum had showed that Scotland “simply does not matter to the Westminster establishment”.

The referendum result “demonstrated that the UK is not a partnership of equal nations”, the SNP leader stated.

He added: “The fact that Scotland voted to remain ultimately mattered not one jot to Westminster.

“That’s not equality – it’s a know your place attitude.”

The First Minister continued: “While yesterday was the anniversary of the Brexit vote, today is the anniversary of people in Scotland waking up to the new reality.

“The reality not just that we were about to be dragged out of the EU against our will.

“But the reality that Scotland’s voice simply does not matter to the Westminster establishment.”

Swinney went on: “The myth of the union of equals was extinguished for so many people across Scotland on this day eight years ago.

“And, while some time may have passed, nothing has changed.

“Scotland’s voice is still ignored and our democratic choices are still disrespected.”

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