John Swinney: A win for SNP in this election is a win for people across Scotland

First Minister John Swinney
First Minister John Swinney -Credit:PA

It has been three weeks since I chose to put myself forward to become SNP leader and First Minister of Scotland. When I did so, I said I was going to lead my party through the Westminster elections and beyond the Holyrood 2026 elections - two contests which I intend to win.

I, like most people across Scotland, am very pleased that the first of these elections has now been confirmed. There will be a General Election on July 4 and I look forward to leading the SNP in our campaign. A win for the SNP in this election is a win for people across Scotland.

Each and every voter can be certain that voting SNP means electing an MP who will work day and night to protect them from the damage that has been done by Westminster. Damage like the cost of living crisis, 14 years of austerity, and the harmful consequences of Brexit that is impacting so many parts of our lives.

Of course, we know it’s time for the Tories to leave office - but simply changing the personnel at Westminster is not good enough. People deserve so much better than the status-quo - they deserve politicians offering positive and meaningful ways to improve their lives.

Only the SNP offers a better future to the broken Westminster consensus - with independence. With the powers that we have, SNP policies are transforming lives in our country right here and right now.

We’ve grown our economy, doubled frontline funding for the NHS and ensured Scotland has the highest number of GPs per head in the UK. We’ve scrapped off-peak rail fares. We’ve delivered free university education, free personal care, free prescriptions and free bus travel for under-22s and over 60s.

Unlike the Westminster parties, the SNP is laser-focused on what matters most to people in Scotland. We put Scotland’s needs and interests first - which is more important than ever, when Westminster’s values and priorities are so far removed from those of Scotland.

One example which is particularly striking is the difference when it comes to tackling child poverty. The SNP’s actions are lifting an estimated 100,000 children out of poverty whilst both the Tories and Labour refuse to commit to abolishing the two child limit - which could lift an estimated 10,000 children out of poverty in Scotland overnight. That alone speaks a thousand words.

At this election, people across Scotland have the opportunity to vote for the SNP - a party which shares their values, will put Scotland first, and work to build a better future as an independent country.

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