Johnny Depp 'nixed plans for a female Pirates villain'

Photo credit: Disney
Photo credit: Disney

From Digital Spy

Johnny Depp allegedly shot down plans for a female villain in Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge (aka Dead Men Tell No Tales).

According to Pirates writer Terry Rossio – who has a writing credit on all five movies in the franchise – Depp threw out an early draft of the movie because of its she-villain.

MoviePilot spotted a blog post of Rossio's from last year, in which he explains under the heading '#27: World Creation Subject to Whim Destruction': "More recent examples: my television series Magical Law lapsed when Gore Verbinski decided to direct The Lone Ranger instead. Our theatrical feature Lightspeed was put on the back burner when Disney acquired the Star Wars franchise.

Photo credit: Disney
Photo credit: Disney

"My version of Dead Men Tell No Tales was set aside because it featured a female villain, and Johnny Depp was worried that would be redundant to Dark Shadows, which also featured a female villain.

"Of course there is also the possibility that all those screenplays simply sucked. But usually when I go back to read a screenplay that wasn't produced, it holds up, often better than the film that was eventually produced."

He continues: "Sometimes it just takes a single decision by a single person, often just a whim, to destroy years of story creation and world-building."

So, basically Rossio claims that his version of Pirates 5 was shot down because it had a female villain, and Johnny Depp was concerned because Dark Shadows also had a female villain.

Yeah, we don't understand either – but if we ever come to, we'll let you know.

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