Johnstone Burgh unveil radical plans for redevelopment of historic Keanie Park ground

An artist's impression of Johnstone Burgh's, Keanie Park redevelopment plans
An artist's impression of Johnstone Burgh's Keanie Park redevelopment plans -Credit:Johnstone Burgh

The Johnstone Burgh revolution continues apace with the football club now submitting plans for a major redevelopment of its home ground on Auchenlodment Road.

The grass turf at Keanie Park would be replaced with an artificial pitch under the proposals. It is hoped this would reduce the number of match postponements.

And fans of the West of Scotland Football League club will stand to benefit from additional seating, with plans for an all-seater stand to replace the current cow shed stand.

And to reflect the club’s ambitions to make it to the higher echelons of the Scottish football pyramid, the club wishes to enlarge the clubhouse with potential additions including a modern gym, aimed at enhancing training and fitness opportunities for both the team and local residents.

The club announced their plans on Friday morning, with a number of images published on their website of what the development might look like. The plans will now go before planning officials at Renfrewshire Council.

An artificial pitch was one of the promises made by the new owners of the club, who took over last summer, following the arrivals of marquee signings Kyle Lafferty and Graham Dorrans.

Burgh have said that in addition to the main pitch, they’d like to build a seven-a-side pitch at Keanie Park too, which would be available for use by the community.

And accessibility at the ground would be improved too, with plans for an accessible path to be built round the perimeter of the pitch, and a resurfaced parking area.

A statement on the club’s website reads: “Johnstone Burgh is thrilled to announce the launch of a significant redevelopment project for Keanie Park, our beloved stadium. This initiative is set to transform our facilities into a state-of-the-art sports complex that caters to both our players and the community.”

Blueprints for the ground
Blueprints for the ground -Credit:Johnstone Burgh

They’re asking supporters for their views on the plans. The club say those wishing to express their thoughts on the redevelopment of Keanie Park can do so by sending suggestions to:, by posting ideas on the club’s official Facebook and Twitter pages using the hashtag #NewKeaniePark, or in-person by visiting the clubhouse on match days to deliver feedback in the suggestion box.

A club spokesperson added: “As we embark on this exciting journey, the involvement and feedback of our supporters are invaluable. We are eager to hear your thoughts on these proposed changes and welcome any suggestions you might have. Are there additional features you would like to see? Let us know how we can make Keanie Park a better home for you!

“Johnstone Burgh is committed to creating a top-tier facility that not only meets the needs of our team but also serves as a cornerstone for community engagement and sports development. We look forward to your active participation in shaping the future of Keanie Park.”

Drawings show plans for an expanded clubhouse
Drawings show plans for an expanded clubhouse -Credit:Johnstone Burgh

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