"It's a joke and an absolute disgrace"- NI public give their views on MLA's pay rise

MLAs returned to Stormont on Monday after the Easter break and following a pay rise which came into effect last week.

On Monday April 1, MLAs salaries increased by £500, bringing their annual earnings to £52,500, with Executive Ministers receiving a similar increase to their pay.

It is understood that the decision to increase the salaries was made independently based on inflation and comes just eight weeks after Stormont returned.

READ MORE: MLA pay rise branded an 'insult' after 'Stormont mothballed for two years'

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First Minister Michelle O'Neill and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly will now receive £124,500, Executive Ministers and the Assembly Speaker will receive £90,500 and committee chairs £64,500.

In January 2023, MLAs had their salaries cut by the UK government to around £37,000 in due to Stormont's collapse. Their annual wages were then restored to previous levels when devolution returned in early February.

An assembly spokeswoman said the pay uplift was applied as a result of inflation criteria being met.

"Under the terms of the Assembly Members (Salaries and Expenses) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2016, which was determined independently, MLAs will qualify for a £500 pay increase from the 1 April 2024 on the basis of criterion in relation to the rate of inflation," she added.

"As a result, an MLA's annual gross salary will be £52,500 from 1 April 2024."

However, the pay rise has been condemned as an "insult" by People Before Profit MLA Gerry Carroll, who says that it is a "slap in the face for public sector workers who were forced to strike for a pay rise".

So as our elected representatives returned to work on Monday morning, we took a trip to the nearby Belmont Road in East Belfast to ask people for their views on the pay rise for MLAs just weeks after the Northern Ireland Assembly was restored.

Many people said it was too much too soon after a two year hiatus while many people in the region have had to deal with pay cuts and a cost of living crisis.

One man told Belfast Live: "I couldn't believe it when I heard the news about the pay rise. The short time that they are back and they have the audacity to give themselves a pay rise. When many people are struggling with the cost of living crisis, it's horrific.

"These people just need to prove to everybody - do the job first and for a long period of time before they can give themselves any type of pay increase like that.

"An average worker running around here is having to put themselves through hell to pay the bills. It's a joke and an absolute disgrace."

Another man added: "I'm a big believer in people should get what they deserve. If you put the work in you should be remunerated for that.

"I think giving pay rises in advance of actually putting the effort in is quite different and very difficult to swallow when they're only back for a very short period.

"But I think you also have to be optimistic and hope that now they're going to get their heads down, put a shift in and that the rest of us can actually start to benefit from it instead of them just getting their pay rise and the usual stalemates and nonsense that we always have to deal with."

He added: "It's sickening but there's also very little we can do about it. We continue to vote these people in so you kind of get what you wish for. It's our inaction or voter apathy that has led to where we are in my opinion.

"I'm not a political person by any means. I want the economy, the people and environment to be as good as it possibly can be but if we continue to do the same things nothing's going to change.

"I think the definition of stupidity is repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome."

One woman said she was feeling hopeful after Stormont returned but didn't agree with a pay rise so soon: "It's just ridiculous because there's people struggling to pay their bills, pay their mortgages and to buy food to put on the table.

"There's nurses, doctors, care workers and staff in cafes working really really hard and they just can't afford to live and yet you get a pay rise for only being back to work eight weeks - that's great!

"I was hopeful (when power sharing was restored) because I think we were all a wee bit fed up and really Northern Ireland has been left by the wayside and nothing was getting done.

"They were doing what they wanted to do but not what everybody else needed done in terms of passing various laws.

"I'm glad that they're back but they just need to get their act together, work for us and never mind any other agendas that they have- just get things going again. We'll certainly hold them to account"

Another woman said she wanted to see "value for money" from her elected representatives: "It would be great if we all got that wouldn't it? It's sickening that there's people struggling and they're still getting.

"There's a cost of living crisis and everyone is struggling but they keep getting pay rises. They need to get their fingers out and start working for their money."

Video by Belfast Live videographer Harry Bateman.

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