'Joke' Hollywood Bowl rampage sentence slammed as twins walk from court

Jason Joyce and Mark Joyce
Twins Jason Joyce and Mark Joyce, both aged 20, from Victoria Road, Handsworth, attacked a family at Hollywood Bowl in Rubery on October 30, 2021. -Credit:Nick Wilkinson/Birmingham Live

A flurry of BirminghamLive readers have branded this country's legal justice system 'lawless' and 'a joke' after twin brothers avoided jail despite causing absolute carnage at a birthday party. The pair went on a machete rampage at Hollywood Bowl in Rubery.

They wrecked a family birthday bash after accusing their innocent victims of "staring" at them. Jason Joyce sparked trouble having throw a punch before pulling out a machete, which he waved around wildly. His sibling Mark Joyce tried hitting someone with a pool cue, but ended up being wrestled to the floor, Birmingham Crown Court was told.

Both also launched glasses which hit one male in the face and caused him long-term damage and forced him to retire from his £60,000-a-year job. The jobless pair - who were aged 17 at the time of the attack, at 11.30pm on October 30, 2021 - were slammed by Judge Richard Bond as "drunken louts every decent person dreads meeting on a night out."

READ MORE: Judge tells why he can't jail Hollywood Bowl rampage twins as he condemns 'ITV' family

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But the judge said their ages at the time and the fact it happened three years ago had saved them from prison. He confirmed both would have to pay "quite a bit of compensation" notwithstanding the fact their only income was £430 a month Universal Credit. The brothers, now aged 20, from Handsworth, admitted unlawful wounding. Jason Joyce also pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm and making threats with a bladed article.

Hollywood Bowl in Rubery. -Credit:No credit
Hollywood Bowl in Rubery. -Credit:No credit

They were sentenced to 18 months detention suspended for two years last week. They were ordered to carry out 175 hours of unpaid work and 40 days rehabilitation activity. Mark Joyce was told to pay £750 compensation and Jason was instructed to pay £1,500.

Passing sentence Judge Bond said: "That family had the misfortune to attend Hollywood Bowl in Rubery. I say misfortune because you two drunken louts, that's exactly what you were, attacked them and caused them injuries. You are the sort of young men every decent person dreads meeting on a night out because you cause misery and upset."

However, readers were unimpressed by the sentence. One wrote underneath BirminghamLive's story: "Absolute joke of justice system." Another said: "No deterrent. Lawless britain. Justice system is a joke." Another added: "He may not be able to send them to Nic but he should have the power the stop their handouts."

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