Judge tells teen 'what a heck of an offence to start your criminal career with'

Thomas Randles
-Credit: (Image: Merseyside Police)

A teenager slashed a man with a Stanley knife at a train station in an apparent feud over a stolen coat.

Thomas Randles' victim was left with relatively minor injuries when he was stabbed in the back during a chance "scuffle" as shocked passengers watched on. A judge today told him that the "consequences could have been far worse".

Liverpool Crown Court heard this afternoon, Friday, that the now 19-year-old was walking towards the lifts from the platform at Hamilton Square Station in Birkenhead at around 3pm on May 7 this year when he encountered Joshua Ellerbrook. CCTV footage captured a brief scuffle "lasting a few seconds" then breaking out between the two men.

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Randles, of no fixed address, subsequently exited the station while the complainant continued towards the platform, being left with several rips to the back of his coat. Paul Becker, prosecuting, told the court: "It is the prosecution's case that, during the scuffle, Mr Ellerbrook was injured by the defendant with a Stanley knife."

Mr Ellerbrook refused to provide a statement to the police regarding the incident, but was left with a 5cm stab wound beneath his right shoulder. He was taken to hospital, where his laceration was closed using five sutures.

Randles was meanwhile detained by British Transport Police officers and found with a Stanley knife in his coat pocket. Under interview, he told detectives that he had "forgot about the knife" which he "normally used for work".

The teenager also alleged that Mr Ellerbrook had "previously robbed a coat from his friend" and "denied any intention to cause harm". Randles has no previous convictions.

Andrew McInnes, defending, told the court: "He has somewhat gone in at the deep end. This is a serious offence.

"He accepts that the consequences could have been significantly more serious. His mitigation is really his previous good character and his age. He had a challenging upbringing in care. In some ways, it is surprising that he has not been in trouble before.

"He has been in work before. He is positive for the future, but he is a young man who needs some support and direction."

Randles admitted wounding without intent and possession of a bladed article in a public place. Appearing in the dock wearing a black Columbia t-shirt, he handed 12 months in a young offenders' institute.

Sentencing, Judge David Potter said: "What a heck of an offence to start your criminal career with. Lets hope it is your last.

"You came across someone with whom you had a disagreement. During the course of that disagreement, you got the Stanley knife out and slashed the complainant.

"It is a serious offence. The consequences could have more serious, but I must sentence you for what you did.

"The offence is made more serious by the fact that it was committed in broad daylight with members of the public nearby as well. In mitigation is the fact that you were only 18 at the time and that you have previous not committed any offences.

"I acknowledge that you have had a poor upbringing when in care and you yourself have some vulnerabilities. You have to accept the consequences of what you did, which could have been far worse than they were."

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