July warning to everyone who claims Employment Support Allowance

Shoppers in the centre of Birmingham near the Bullring
-Credit: (Image: Nick Wilkinson/Birmingham Live)

People who claim Employment Support Allowance (ESA) are being warned to prepare for major changes happening from this month. Claimants of the benefit are the latest being moved over to Universal Credit (UC).

And they will have to take action to ensure their benefits continue to be be paid as the process will not be automatic. Claimants should receive a Migration Notice letter through the post this month explaining what is happening and what they need to do.

They will then have three months to apply for UC to ensure there is no disruption to their payments. Claimants of several 'legacy' benefits are gradually being moved over to the single-payment UC.

READ MORE: DWP letter to arrive for 1.6 million people in July with three-month warning

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It is now the turn of those who get income-related ESA during July. Awareness campaigns have been launched by the DWP in a bid to ensure people do not ignore or throw away their Migration Notices when they arrive.

People are being urged to ensure they regularly check their post so they don't miss their letters. Around 1.6 million people currently claim ESA.

Benefit claimants have been told they should lose out on any cash as part of the changes. Other benefits being phased out include tax credits, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance.

The DWP said: "You need to move to Universal Credit if you’ve received a Migration Notice letter, as one or more of your benefits will be ending soon. To continue receiving financial support you must claim Universal Credit by the deadline date given in your letter. This is 3 months from the date the letter was sent out."