Kanye West Abruptly Ends Interview After Host Mildly Pushes Back On Antisemitism

Ye can’t seem to let up on his antisemitism, even with the mildest pushback from a sympathetic audience.

That became evident on Monday during an interview with far-right podcaster Tim Pool, who offered the rapper formerly known as Kanye West a minor rebuke for an antisemitic rant.

Ye didn’t like it one bit and walked off the show, followed by his buddies in hate, white supremacist Nick Fuentes and right-wing troll Milo Yiannopoulos.

Pool let Ye rant for nearly 20 minutes about everything from a designer at Adidas whom he claimed was both a “Zionist” plant and a CIA agent; his former trainer who he is sure was a Canadian deep-state agent; and the so-called Jewish cabal he is convinced controls banking and media, The Daily Beast reported.

At one point, Ye brought up the names of Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and politician Rahm Emanuel, who are both Jewish, as targets of his antisemitic ire.

Pool lightly challenged him, asking, “Isn’t that an issue of these individuals” rather than their identity, according to Fox News.

“You went right into the antisemite thing,” Pool said. “I think it’s something that should be talked about, but if if you start bringing this up, you’re gonna ask my opinion on it, I’m gonna disagree with you.”

But Pool tried to find common ground with Ye by telling him, “I think they’ve been extremely unfair to you,” only to have the rapper pointedly ask him who “they” were.

When Pool replied, “The corporate press,” Ye asked, “Who is ‘they,’ though?”

That’s when Fuentes, the holocaust denier who joined Ye for a dinner with Trump last week, made it clear that he thought “they” were actually Jewish people.

Ye then walked off the show.

You can see the exchange in the tweet below:

Of course, Twitter users (including HuffPost’s own Andy Campbell) had thoughts about the whole sordid incident.
