Kate Garraway’s heartbreaking reaction to being called a widow for the first time

GMB presenter Kate Garraway received an outpouring of support from viewers at home

Ben Shephard and Kate Garraway were reunited on GMB. (Twitter)
Ben Shephard and Kate Garraway were reunited on GMB. (Twitter)

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Kate Garraway has revealed being called a widow for the first time took her breath away as she returned to work just days after late husband Derek Draper's funeral.

She got a special welcome as she returned to work at the Good Morning Britain studios. Earlier this week, Garraway gave an heartwarming interview during which she shared how both her children have taken on a caring role.

It was very emotional returning to work as Garraway shared she was in tears on arrival. "The makeup girls had me in tears this morning just by saying hello," she said. "Thank you to all of you at home as well, I know I mentioned it on Monday, but you have been incredible."

The breakfast TV star received an outpouring of love and support in the form of messages from viewers tuning into GMB at home. The presenters read out messages from viewers including: "It is great to see Kate back with her sidekick Ben."

On the show, Richard Arnold gave his friend Garraway a huge welcome. He said: "There’s a gush of emotion welcoming you back today, it’s lovely to have you home."

What, how and why?

During GMB, Garraway shared her reaction to being called a widow for the first time. She said: "The other day, somebody called me a widow for the first time – it took my breath away. It was an Amazon delivery person who said ‘I’m so sorry for your loss now that you’re a widow’ and you suddenly realise, and I suddenly realised, what everyone goes through.

"That every single moment is something new and we’ve all just got to get through it and everybody has it with all sorts of things they’re facing. I really get what people feel about these things."

Elsewhere, Ben Shephard praised Garraway for arranging an extraordinary funeral for Draper. He said: "It was an extraordinary funeral. It was one of the most extraordinary send offs, it was a real celebration, and - you, Darcey and Bill and all the family, Derek's family, your family, did Derek proud."

Garraway shared a sweet joke saying: "I wanted to make it about Derek, not about me. That changes this morning, it's back to me!"

In all seriousness, she then thanked everyone for their support. She said: "But no definitely about Derek, all jokes aside. His friends were fantastic, his family were amazing. Darcey and Bill, oh my goodness me, they continue to be and always have been so.

"It's pretty lovely to feel so much love from everybody here. Look at Laura looking at me so gorgeous in leather. We like that a lot. Everyone being so nice. Just amazing. Let's keep that lovely feeling going.

"I am very lucky to have it. A lot of people don't have the job that me and you have. They have a lot of love from the people they know but it's harder for them to feel it. It doesn't get seen in the same way."

Cheeky Shephard agreed saying he was pleased their friendship had proved its worth. He jested: "Even the experience I've had as your friend, finally it's been worth it!"

He elaborated: "They're reaching out to me. I got messages saying we know you are Kate's friend and we want to reach out and say we know it's been difficult for her and just want to check you are ok. You're absolutely right that collective connection. It's been amazing to experience that."

Clearly delighted to be with his co-presenter, Shephard shared a selfie on social media with some kind words about Garraway.

Kate Garraway gave her first interview to GMB after Derek Draper's funeral. (ITV screengrab)
Kate Garraway gave her first interview to GMB after Derek Draper's funeral. (ITV screengrab)

Later he shared on social media: "Morning! Lovely to have Kate back with us - thank you for all the messages we’ve had already. You’ll be pleased to know I’m already tidying up after her so things are getting back to normal."

Lorraine Kelly also said it was fantastic to have Garraway "back where you belong".

Over the weekend, Garraway laid her late husband Draper to rest and their daughter Darcey acted as a pallbearer at the funeral. Also joining them at the special service were many of Draper's friends - including political figures Tony Blair and Keir Starmer as well as singing sensation Elton John.

GMB star Arnold revealed the special way Garraway would return to work. He told The Sun: "I know there'll be a huge warm welcome for her when she gets back. You know, obviously it's a very poignant time, very personal time for the team as well."

Garraway has decided to return to work because "everybody has to". In her GMBinterview, she said: "Life has to start now. Bill's going to have to go to school." She poked fun at her son Bill saying he would be late to school.

Kate Garraway said her final goodbye to her husband Derek Draper. (Getty)
Kate Garraway said her final goodbye to her husband Derek Draper. (Getty)

She quipped: "Someone better tell him to hurry up or I'll be in trouble. We have to pick ourselves up and go on. That’s what Derek would want us to do. Thanks to everyone who made that possible. There’s lot to say about the system. For now it’s an outpouring of love."

Also, Garraway shared her brave daughter's last words to Draper before his death. She said: "For the children, when we heard the doctors say he won't survive this, they've heard this so many times and he did. It was a challenge. We knew that Derek could still hear. It was a challenge to let him know he wasn't letting us down.

"They were so beautiful, the children, about that. Individually they had time with him on their own. Darcey said, 'Dad, if you can't do this we'll be OK. You release yourself if you need to go.' I thought that was extraordinarily brave."

Read more

Watch Kate Garraway reveal her daughter's brave last words to Derek Draper