Katniss Seleznev's haunting last words to mum before being left to die 'like an animal'

The heartbroken parents of a seven-year-old girl horrifically mowed down outside her home by an underage biker have spoken of the loss of their 'dream child'. Katniss Seleznev's parents Bojil and Lina revealed how their family has been 'ruined' in the wake of their child's death.

The couple desperately tried to fall pregnant, 'fighting for five years' through multiple rounds of IVF and four miscarriages. Katniss and her twin brother were finally born after the couple's struggle to conceive.

But the parents have now been left devastated after a 14-year-old boy speeding at more than 50mph hurtled into their daughter as she was riding her scooter in Walsall. In a statement written by lorry driver Bojil read to Wolverhampton Crown Court, the parents told how their young daughter was 'full of joy and kindness'.

READ MORE: Killer schoolboy on stolen bike mowed down Katniss Seleznev, 7, in horror 50mph hit-and-run

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It read: "God finally gave them to us. Then Katniss was left to die like an animal. She was left in the street with no chance of survival or mercy.

"We constantly worry about her last thoughts and worry that she suffered. Our hearts are torn and they now bleed for our grief."

The 'compassionate' and 'loving' schoolgirl had just left her home with her twin brother and older sister when she was struck in Turnstone Road, Blakenall, last July. She was just metres from her front door when she was flung into the air, suffering injuries she could not survive.

Lina has been left haunted by Katniss' last words which were "Mummy can I go out to play?". The mum even tried to prise open her daughter's eyes as she lay on the street but the child was 'already dead', the statement said.

The bereaved mum often sits by the window, waiting for Katniss to 'come back' home. Katniss' siblings are also now 'scared' of loud noises and do not like to leave the house.

The court heard how Katniss had dreamt of becoming a mum, having a dog and 'dancing forever'. She would regularly 'blow kisses' at her family as 'in her life there was only love'.

The statement read: "Katniss was our light. She was the heart and soul of our house. She was a dream child - strong, kind, compassionate and loving, with a huge heart ready to help anyone.

"She didn't ask for much, she was grateful for [having] very little. She was full of love and dreams for her life."

Katniss was playing outside when she was hit by a motorbike.
Katniss was playing outside when she was hit by a motorbike. -Credit:Facebook

The parents added: "We have lost a child and in that process, we have lost ourselves. Time is not going to heal this loss - we should not have outlived our child."

A 14-year-old boy - who cannot be named for legal reasons because of his age - admitted causing death by dangerous driving. He was detained for five years and four months today (Wednesday, May 22).

Lina was assisted by a Bulgarian interpreter as she listened to the court proceedings. She cried quietly as CCTV footage showing her children riding their scooters in the street was played to the court before a clip of Katniss flying through the air was seen.

Addressing Katniss's parents in the public gallery, Judge Michael Chambers KC said: "It's one of the most appalling things to have to bury your own child." The court heard how the boy was a riding a stolen Suzuki GSX-S125 at up to 52mph in the 30mph zone.

Detective Sergeant Paul Hughes, from West Midlands Police's serious collision investigation unit, said: "This was a totally avoidable death on our roads and is down to the selfish and reckless actions of one individual. Katniss was playing with other children and I cannot begin to contemplate how close others were to being killed.

"I cannot comprehend the impact this whole event has had upon Katniss’ family. Throughout the whole process they have shown immense patience and control and whilst today’s sentence will never bring Katniss back, hopefully it brings some closure to assist them.

"The impact these tragic circumstances have had on everyone involved cannot be forgotten, especially the local and wider community. The willingness of people to come forward and provide the investigation team with information was overwhelming and we received over 70 separate pieces of information which speaks volumes to how much the local community wanted to help.

"I can’t thank everyone enough but I do wish to highlight the bravery of other children who came forward and spoke with us which demonstrated immense moral courage beyond their years."

Click here to read more on this story from court.